Nobody thought to tell me?

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Y/n's POV

"I'm so sorry y/n" Gwen tried walking towards me with her arms out, but I really, really, don't need that comforting bullshit right now. "How long has this been happening?!" I didn't care that I was being loud, I didn't care that everyone in the house could hear me. And I sure as hell don't care if it was to protect me, I should have known. Gwen understood that I didn't wanna be touched and backed up. "I don't know, I swear. I only found out about this today" She was probably telling the truth, but honestly, I can't trust anyone anymore. "You should probably talk to Miguel.." Gwen started dialing Miguel on her watch "DON'T-" I jumped forward trying to cover her watch. And everyone had heard me yell, and Pav and Hobie were coming to Miles's room to check what was happening. I didn't know what to do. I mean, was Serena ok? Would I be able to go back? If not then what, am I just supposed to live here?? To make things worse, everyone was looking at me like I'm crazy "You told her huh" Hobie said while leaning on in the doorway. wai wai wai wait- "You knew?..." They all knew didn't they. AND NOBODY. TOLD. ME? It was getting harder and harder to breathe every second I stayed in that room, it just felt as if it was getting smaller. And my palms kept getting sweaty and gross, my pants were getting damp at this point. "Y/n we couldn't tell you, Miguel specifically told-" I cut Miles off. "I don't wanna hear another thing about Miguel and I really can't stay here anymore." And I didn't stay, I walked straight out of his room and out the apartment, and before I walked out the front door I think I heard Miles try to tell me to stay, but Hobie stopped him.

I walked down the hallway to the roof access, and climbed up the stairs to the roof. It was peaceful up here.I went over to the ledge of the building and sat down. The sun was pretty low in the horizon, and the breeze felt nice since I was sweating earlier. But thankfully me missing dinner wouldn't affect me since I had a lot of cookies for lunch.

I stayed up there for about 30 minutes just working on my breathing and relaxing. I was really starting to miss home. Like badly. I missed my best friend. I gotta make sure shes ok.

Serenaaa, I miss you 😞

Serena 💜:

You: I just really missed you and ive been busy. But your ok right???

Serena💜: I missed you too bookie, but why tf wouldn't I be ok?

You: Im just checking on you.

You: girl I gtg ✌🏽

I Hear the roof access door open so I hurry up and tell Serena goodbye.

"You alright?..." Miles came up to check on me, I mean I would check on me too if I was gone that long. Miles started walking over to the ledge with me and sat down next to me. I still can't help but notice how cute he is, like damn. "I just wanna go home." I put my head down, and held my hands. "Well...can I help somehow?" Miles looked at me and his gaze softened, he clearly wanted to help me. I shrugged my shoulders, I couldn't think of the words to say. Miles started messing with his watch and a portal opened on the rooftop. "That should take you back to Nueva York" He said it it very softly as he got up. "Miles wait-" He looked back, and as soon as he did, I hugged him. "Thank you Miles. So much." I let him go and remembered Mayday. "Make sure you take care of Mayday till Peter can get her" I gave him a thumbs up and he returned one back with a smile, then I left.

Back at HQ/Nueva York

As soon as I got through the portal I started looking for Miguel's office. Thankfully since it was later in the afternoon, the walkways were mostly empty and quiet, so I was able to concentrate better. After following the signs I finally made it. [It felt like forever-] I walked through the first hallway with all of Miguel's technology, some parts lit up and some are hanging down from the ceiling. But before I got to the main room, a golden glow lit up the whole room, and a familiar voice spoke. "Y/n?". I stopped in my tracks, and hoped that Lyla would go away. "Y/n why is nobody with you? Does Miguel know your here? And wheres Mayday??" Lyla kept jumping around the room and asking questions, I didn't need her notifying Miguel or anyone else for that matter. When she stopped moving for a second I lunged at her and tried grabbing her. But I soon remembered she was nothing but a hologram. "Sh sh sh. Keep it down-" I put my hand over her mouth as if it would do anything and hoped it would work. [Dumb, I know-] Lyla then jumped to my shoulder and started asking questions again, I let out a sigh and kept slowly walking through the lowly lit area. "So are you ignoring me now y/n? I thought we were friends" she gave me a fake frown to try and guilt trip me basically. "Did you know?" I looked at her and she tilted her head at the question. "Know what?" Lyla stopped in front of me. " About earth 616" I swatted her away. She went back to sitting on my shoulder. As I got to the main room, Lyla let out a sigh and pushed up her heart shaped glasses. "I don't think I'm the right person to be telling you this..." Not the right person?? "What is that supposed to mean?!" I turned my head to her. All she did was look up and point. I slowly lifted my head up at the lifted platform.

And I said to myself, "Miguel-"

1037 words 🤟🏽

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