Day one: This should be fun..?

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The 3 of us got to this big dark room. I could see just enough, but I couldn't see any lights, or windows, it didn't make sense. "What are we waiting for" we were standing in that room for a bit, maybe 20 seconds. Peter leaned over a bit "He likes taking his time.." I was looking at him like he was crazy. A few more seconds passed before I heard something powering up, and the sound was getting closer. I watched as I saw a black platform the same color as the walls slowly getting closer to the ground. The whole time while the platform was descending I was giving Peter a confused  look. Finally the platform stopped, and there was..a really tall man? 

I waited a few more seconds as I watched him. He was looking at these holographic yellow screens with his hands on his hips. A few times he would swipe away a few screens and bring up a few more. I whispered to Peter "Is this your friend??". He nodded, then walked up to the man "Hey Miguel!!" Peter put his arm around Miguel and Mayday started climbing on him. I stood there not knowing what to do, so I just grabbed my bag and slowly walked over to them. Peter saw me walking over and since he knew I didn't have Spiderman powers, he helped me get on the platform that was about 10 feet off the ground. "Miguel, this is Y/N L/N. Y/N this is Miguel O'hara". Miguel only glanced over at me then back to his screens, it made chills go down my spine then right back up. Peter knew Miguel wasn't going to show me around, so he did it himself before he left.

 He showed me where the kitchen was, and what I could eat and not eat, and then the bathroom, and lastly where I would be sleeping. Since Miguel has babysat Mayday before there was already a toddler bed for her and some toys and little things on the walls. But in the corner there was a twin bed with pink and purple sheets, purple pillows, and a little stuffed frog. After I saw the rooms I needed to know about, Peter was saying goodbye to his daughter, then said goodbye to me. Before he left I made sure to give him a hug, then I watched him swing out of the building.

The big room got really silent. I wasn't sure what to do at first so I just started unpacking a few things from my bag. I unzipped my suitcase (/bag, same thing 😐) and pulled out my purple silk blanket and set it neatly on the end of my new bed. After that I took out my wall charger and the cord and started to charge my phone, I had to call Serena to let her know that I was on the 'vacation' because I wasn't allowed to tell her about the spider society. As my phone was charging, with the little percent it had, I pulled out my headphones and started listening to music. The last thing I took from my bag was my notebook, I didn't know what else to do so the best thing was to draw. I laid on my stomach with my notebook and pens, and I just sat there, no clue of what to draw. For about 10 minutes I just sat on Pinterest, still nothing, then it came to me. I was going to draw all the cool spider-people I saw today. 

I started drew the Spider Mobile, a spider cat, a plushie, and then a red and blue burger. It reminded me of Miguel's suit, so I decided I was going to draw him. I only saw him for a quick second, and I wanted to draw him correctly, so I needed to use him as a reference. I took off my headphones and grabbed my notebook and hopped off my bed, I slowly walked to the bedroom door because Mayday was sleeping, but I had to stay quiet so Miguel wouldn't hear me. I opened the door and luckily it didn't creak or anything, but I opened it enough to get out because I didn't want to take chances. I got out the room and he was still on his little island looking at his screens. 

I closed the bedroom door and sat crisscross next to it. I opened my notebook and started drawing. It wasn't very hard drawing him because he didn't move much, but his suit was very detailed. I was very concentrated on getting every detail correct  "What are you doing" I jumped a little, the room was so silent and I wasn't expecting him to say anything. I didn't know what to say, and I wasn't fully sure he knew I was there so I stayed quiet. "Y/n, I asked you a question" My eyes widened, was he actually listening to Peter when he introduced us? "Uhm, I was drawing something Sir" before I could close my notebook a red neon looking web snatched it away from me. He started flipping through a few of the pages then set it on his desk. "Did you get permission to draw any of the spider people here?" I stood up slowly "No sir"

"Exactly, and its rude to watch someone without them knowing" He looked back at me, grabbed my notebook, and tossed it over to me. "I'm sorry.." I said it very quiet and I know he heard me, but he stopped speaking and turned back around to his screens. Not knowing what to do I went back to my room in silence and just laid in my bed with my headphones on, and slowly drifted off.

Work count✨963 💪🏽

not proof read

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