Miguel O'Hara. p2

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I took the weight of the bag of my shoulders and held the strap in my hand. I slowly started swinging it before I finally let go, and the bag landed on the other side. I jogged back to the entrance of the room and prepared myself.

1. I took a step back.
2. Put my knee down.

I took off running as fast as I could. Don't look down. Don't look down. Don't look don't look down. I jumped. If I had any regrets about doing this it was too late now. Time started getting slower, the closer the edge got, the slower time felt. All I could think about was Serena. She has been my best friend since like....forever. And I truly don't think I could live without her. There was never a time that she wasn't there for me, and she's always had my back, and I know she always will. That's why I need to get home. Almosttt thereeee.

"FUCK-" My heart dropped. "AHHHHH"
I missed the edge. I kept reaching for the top like that would do anything; all I could do was scream. I shut my eyes hoping this would be over soon.

A pair of arms grabbed me and shot us back up to the top. I opened my eyes. "Thank y-" Miguel. I pushed myself out of his arms and walked away from him. "WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING Y/N?!" I ignored him, he wouldn't understand what it's like to lose everything. So what's even the point in trying to explain? He kept trying to talk to me but like before, I just ignored it. My only focus was getting to the center platform. "Y/N!" He grabbed my arm and pulled me out of my thoughts. "WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU THINKING!" His iris had turned red and his skin was heated. I tried pulling my arm away from him, but I knew he wasn't going to let go until I answered his question. "I'm going home, so you're either going to help me, or I'll do it myself-" I yanked my arm out of his grasp and walked to the control panel. "You're not going home." Miguel put his hands on his hips. I jolted my head back. "Yes I am" I slammed my hand down. "It's not safe on your earth-" His tone got more stern and angry. "REALLY? Yea no shit Sherlock-" I rolled my eyes "You know what's funny? I know it's not safe on my earth BECAUSE SOMEONE ELSE HAD TO TELL ME THAT. I GET THAT YOUR SUPPOSED TO BE "TAKING CARE OF ME" BUT I DON'T APPRECIATE YOU HIDING SHIT FROM ME" Miguel sped walked over to the control panel, his fists clenched and eyebrows scrunched.

"Watch your language first off- And secondly I'm doing this to protect you." He aggressively pointed a finger at me. Did he really just say that? "Protect me from what!??" As I frantically pressed the buttons on the panel, a ramp finally extending to the platform. We both watched the ramp extend. "Y/n don't-" He held his arms out. I jumped over the control panel as I threw one of my shoes at him. "Y/N YOU NEED TO TRUST ME!" I ran as fast as I could across the ramp as the portal's walls were being built. I tried jumping over the wall, but as my hands started slipping, the mechanical spider reached down for me and placed me within the walls. I picked up my bag as I did a 360 looking at my surroundings. I then saw Miguel and backed up a bit in fear as he started banging on the wall, and reached his claws in to try and tear it open. Lyla showed up in front of me and waved with a worried smile. "Good luck.."

649 words 👍🏽
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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12 ⏰

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