Day 3: Breakfast

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We're gon do 3rd person this time, lmk how it is 😅

6:34 am: Y/n slowly woke up with her froggy stuffy in her arms and with frizzy bed hair. She gradually sat herself up, taking in her surroundings, and just sat there in her comfy bed. After she fully woke up, she stretched her arms out and yawned right after. When she looked down, the spiderman blanket Miguel let her use was over her. Then Y/n remembered, she had fallen asleep in his chair, not her bed. So he must have carried her here soon after she had fallen asleep. I mean she didn't really care, but he doesn't seem like the type of person to care about a child to do that.

About ten minutes later y/n finally got up and out of bed, putting her pink slippers on that were lost under her bed last night. She got up and fixed her bedding, and made sure her covers were smoothed out. Mayday was sleeping peacefully in her crib, it was still too early for her to be awake anyway. Y/n, still tired, dragged her feet to the door and walked out the bedroom. Her stomach was growling, not having eaten since yesterday. So she walked her way down the hall to the kitchen and tried finding something to snack on.

A yawn escaped from her mouth as she opened the fridge looking for toaster strudels. She found them in the back of the fridge and got on her tippy toes to reach them. As she was opening the box and the bag containing per breakfast, footsteps were making there way to the kitchen. She wasn't the only one awake at this hour. Y/n started to put her strudels into the toaster to warm up when a beep was heard behind her. She turned her head, and let out a small yell. Miguel unintentionally snuck up on her, as he was getting his coffee prepared. She had jumped back a bit hitting her hip a little on the counter. "What?" Miguel looked around confused, not understanding it was him that scared y/n. She couldn't help but bust out laughing, it reminded her a bit of when she first met Lyla.

It felt like forever for her to calm down and stop laughing. She explained as she took out her breakfast and sat at the breakfast counter . "The day when I met jess" she paused as she put the icing on her strudels. "I was grabbing a cheese stick I think, and your assistant popped up behind me snd scared the crap out of me." Again, she was uncontrollably laughing. She barely got the rest of her story out. Miguel chuckled, but only loud enough for him to hear. Y/n continued "I got scared so badly that I fell onto the floor, and I landed on my tailbone" she made an uncomfortable face "it hurt so badly, still does-" Miguel's eyes looked a little shocked, not knowing that had happened. "I'm sorry to hear about that" Miguel sighed as he took a sip of his coffee, leaning on the counter across from y/n. Miguel called for Lyla, and she showed up as programmed. Lyla instantly started waving at y/n with excitement. "Hi y/n! How are you feeling?" Y/n giggled at the sight of Lyla's glasses being crooked "I'm still in a bit of pain but I'm fine" Miguel got Lyla's attention away from y/n and to him. "From now on, if I need to leave for whatever reason, you make sure y/n and Mayday have someone to watch over them" he demanded. Lyla nodded her head and fixed her heart glasses. Miguel dismissed her as he finished his coffee. "Im glad the two of you are getting along, despite her scaring you yesterday." Y/n smiled as she finished her breakfast, and was about to wash her dish at the sink. Miguel ended up taking her plate before she could even get up. "I'll wash any dishes that need washing, just leave them in the sink." Y/n was kind of shocked for a moment all she could say was thank you. As  he was washing her dish, Miguel asked the girl, "why were you up so early?"

Y/n's head shot up, out of her thoughts. She didn't know why she was up, she just woke up, and that's exactly what she told him. After that the two stopped talking. It wasn't how it usually was, an awkward and uncomfortable silence, it was just silent. There was nothing bad about it.

8: 55 Y/n stayed in the kitchen, scrolling on her phone, and Miguel was off doing whatever he does. The silence in the building was broken when a baby was heard crying. Mayday had woken up from her sleep. Y/n was ready to get up and take care of whatever she needed, but Miguel was already on his way to get her.  He came back and prepared her breakfast. Y/n sat Mayday on her lap while she ate her breakfast.

After y/n cleaned Mayday up, a beeping noise came from Miguel's watch.

874 words 🐘💨

(I was gone for awhile mb, end of the semester was a pain, and then I got pretty sick. Im backkkk thoooo 😊)

Not proofread ✌🏼

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