End of Day 2: Good talk?

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After Jess left it was just me, Mayday, and Miguel. After hearing about what happened to him, I couldn't help but feel bad, like I needed to help him. I mean I don't know how I even could, he doesn't share anything. Maybe I'm not trying hard enough? Either way I took May-may to her bed and placed her down and covered her up. Before I walked away I kissed my hand and put it on her forehead. My day was finally coming to an end. I fell back onto my bed and nestled myself into my covers and got out my phone.

Serena 💚
Y/n text me backkk
I swear im gonna kill you.

Im so sorry 😭
I was busy all day

Don't leave me for that long again,
Because I will hunt you down-

I know I know 😮‍💨
But again I should be back Wednesday

Do you think I could come over that weekend?

I can ask Peter when he gets back

When he gets back?

I forgot, she thinks I'm on vacation with Peter and Aunt May.

Like back from the bathroom

Uhuh. Well just ask him then, thank you 🥰

We're gonna have to text tmr, It's getting
a lil late

Alr, love you 💕
Goodnight ✌🏾

Love you too 🤭
Goodnight ✌🏽

I put my phone on the charger and turned it off, and just kinda laid in bed till I would hopefully fall asleep. 2 hours later: Time went by so slowly but so fast at the same time, it felt like forever just laying in bed, waiting to fall asleep. The next time I checked the time, it was almost 12 and I was still wide awake, no thoughts in my head, nothing to do, nobody to talk to. Wait, I might have someone to talk to.

Miguel was possibly still up doing his duties, I mean, it is only 12. I shrugged my shoulders and got out of bed. My slippers were lost somewhere under my bed, so I just put my socks on, and walked out my room. Since the only rooms that were heated were the bedrooms, the hallways were pretty cold, so I was shivering a little and rubbing my arms for warmth.

Now at the end of the hallway, I checked around the corner to see if Miguel was on his platform, and like I guessed, he was. Looking at his screens and nothing else, standing, it seemed kind of depressing. I slid my feet over and did a little run to his platform, still too high to get on. "Miguel" I was too close to the platform for him to see me. "Y/n?"


"Why are you awake?" He looked over the edge, looking down at me.

"I couldn't sleep" I shrugged my shoulders.

He just kinda stared at me, trying to find his words.

"Can I get some help up?" I did a little jump up to show how I couldn't reach the top.

He fell down the platform grabbing the edge, then fell the rest of the way to the floor. "How am I supposed to help you?" He rested his hands on his hips. I threw my hands in the air "I don't know?? Can't you use your webs or something, or pick me up?" He looked at me, then the platform, then back at me. He thought about it and let out a sigh "Hop on my back" he kneeled down to my level, and I jumped on his back and wrapped my arms around his neck. He swung to the top of his platform and dropped me off. "Thank you!" I smiled at him, and all I got in response was a head nod, and he went back to work. "So your just gonna act like im not here?" I tilted my head in question. "Hm?" He looked back at me confused, probably not hearing me. "I said. Are you just going to ignore me?"

Still, nothing.

"Not much of a talker I guess" I shrugged
"Well, I guess I'll start the talking" I smiled and continued. "So why are you so tall?"

"Naturally tall, I just got taller after becoming spider man" he was still turned away

"Interesting, so I heard your not fully a spiderman, I guess, what's up with that?" I sat down at the edge of the platform and dangled my feet over the edge "Who told you that- It was Jessica wasn't it." I was still sitting down looking at the floor and nodded my head. "I shouldn't have asked her about anything, I'm sorry" my head sank down still rubbing my arms from the room being cold. Miguel looked back at me, not expecting me to be sitting on the floor. "You can sit in my chair with wheels attached to it" (my friend made me say that because we didn't know how to spell rolly chair, and my first language is nigganease) "Are you sure?" He nodded his head and pointed at the blanket that was draped over the chair. "Thank you" As I spun around in the chair with the spiderman blanket, I asked him more questions. "So why do you have all of these screens?"

"That's classified" he looked back at his monitors. "Ughhhh, why don't you tell me anythingg. Your friends with Peter so you have to be friends with me." I raised my voice a lil "And friends don't keep secrets-" I crossed my arms and tried to look mad. He pinched the bridge of his nose, and sighed. "No puedo con este chico" he mumbled to himself. "What did you just say??"

"I have these screens to watch over other earths."

"Oh, to look out for anomalies?"

"Yea exac- did Jessica tell you about those too?" I nodded my head still spinning around. "I promise I won't ask about you anymore" I put my hand over my heart and giggled a bit. "What else did she tell you-" Miguel didn't look too happy. He turned around facing his screens and clenched his fists "I..uh...why you act how you do, I guess?" I looked at the floor. As soon as I was finished talking he raised his voice at me. "I don't wanna hear anymore-" and after that I stopped, neither of us said anything for the rest of the time.

I rested my head on my hand, and watched Miguel do his job, slowly drifting off as each blink got longer.

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