Day 3: Nice to meet you guys

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9:16am Miguel looked worried, he glanced at y/n and Mayday who were looking right back at him. He quickly walked off, and the two children followed him with their eyes. He was talking to Lyla about something, then he quickly set his watch and left through his portal. Y/n and Mayday looked at each other confused and y/n started laughing at Mayday. She had the cutest face when she was confused.

Soon, both the girls started laughing. But it soon came to a stop as Lyla showed up in front of them. She was standing on the counter in front of the two. "Miguel had to leave, so I need to find someone who can watch you guys." The two girls looked at each other, and got up and went to their rooms. Y/n got Mayday dressed first in a blue shirt and pink shorts, and Miguel already changed her diaper this morning. Y/n then sat her at the dining table with Lyla watching her, so y/n could change. She put on a red shirt and some black nike shorts. (they shower and brush their teeth at some point in the story 🤷🏽‍♀️)

Y/n came out to the kitchen, dressed and with her hair done. She made sure to grab Mayday's butterfly bag from her side of the room before she walked out. It had her diapers, and and a change of clothes, just in case. Lyla and mayday were playing peekaboo when y/n came out. "Why did Miguel have to leave this time?" She asked, suspecting something was off. Lyla paused from playing the game. "It was just another anomaly that needs to be put back." She looked at y/na. "Why did he look so worried then?" Y/n put her hands on her hips, and leaned her back on the counter. Lyla shrugged at th question and gave her attention back to Mayday.

Y/n couldn't help but wonder what was going on, it was like Lyla was avoiding the question. It's probably nothing though..

"So who's supposed to be showing up?" Y/n said walking over to the Mayday and Lyla. She picked up the baby and booped her on the nose. The ai waved her arms and a few yellow screens popped up. "I already found the perfect person" she started scrolling on a list of recruited spider people, and ended up selecting 3. Y/n looked confused, she adjusted the baby so she wouldn't fall and asked why there were three spider people this time. "Well y/n, I thought it would be a good opportunity for you to get to know some of the spider people here, some your age at least."

As she explained she zoomed in on each person. First up "..Pavitr Prabhakar: he's 14, and live on earth 50101b." She swiped his profile to the side, and brought up the next spiderman "Hobie Brown, 18 and lives on earth 138."  Y/n was looking at Lyla confused "I thought everyone was supposed to be like 14-15?" Lyla chuckled bringing up the last Spiderman. "Miguel would be pretty mad if I sent you and a two year old to go without some kind of adult" y/n laughed a little and nodded her head.

"Lastly, Miles Morales: 15,  lives on earth
1610." Lyla turned off all the screens and turned to the kids. "You ok with those options?" She tilted her head and crossed her arms waiting for a response. Y/n looked down at the baby in her arms to see what she thought. Mayday was clapping her hands and giggling, which made y/n smile. She assumed Mayday was ok with it and also agreed. "Do Mayday and Miguel know these people?" Lyla nodded her head while alerting the spidermen where to show up.

10:34 am

The two children were playing uno on y/n's bed, waiting for the spidermen to show up.

Lyla appears on the bed with them telling them to wait near sector 4. They stop playing with the cards and y/n put them away. They grabbed all their stuff and made their way to sector 4.

"HEY, Y/N!"

707 words 🤪

Gimmie some time to write my story out 😭

Ts takes more time than I thought

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