Day 4: Miguel O'Hara.

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"Miguel" I whispered to myself.

I ignored him and just focused on getting my stuff. Lyla teleported to Miguel as a distraction thankfully, because I needed it. I walked down the hallway and quietly opened my bedroom door and closed it as soon as I was in. I grabbed my bag and started grabbing my slippers from under my bed, my pillow and blanket and stuffed them in my bag. I made my bed and made sure everything looked how it was when I got here. For a final touch, I put the stuffed frog that was on my bed right were I found it on day 1. I carried my bag in my arms and slowly walked down the hallway. I hid myself around the corner and slowly peeked over a bit. My plan was to get Lyla to bring me back to my earth. My home. Where Serena is. And Miguel can't know.

I needed to get Lyla's attention. I gently set my bag down and waved my arms at her from across the room. She didn't see me. I tried again. Still nothing. I hid myself around the corner again to make sure Miguel didn't see me. "Third time's a charm..?" I whispered to myself as a kind of encouragement.

My head turned the corner to check if Miguel was still busy [I mean, why wouldn't he be-] obviously he was still glued to his monitors. I kept looking at Lyla from around the corner. She finalllyyyy saw me. I motioned my hand telling her to come here. I sat down behind the wall and waited for her. "Now what y/n?" I sighed and grabbed my bag. "Lyla, I need you to take me home. Please." I put my hands up to her as if I was praying. She was my last chance at going home any time soon..

Lyla sat there for a moment, walking back and forth through the air as if there was actually flooring underneath her. She held her hand on her chin and then paused. She jumped up closer to my face so she wouldn't have to talk to loudly. "Ok, I think I might have a way to get you home, but-" My face lit up after I heard there was a way I could get home. And I'm assuming Lyla saw this and she quickly continued what she was going to say. "Y/n.. you're going to have to go on your own. And I can't promise you'll be able to stay long either, Miguel can find you if he really didn't want you back on your earth." My smiles slowly left when I heard the second part, but...maybe there was still hope for me. I needed to think positively if this was going to work.

Lyla explained to me her plan. I had to run down to the control room, activate the go home machine, and use the instruction manual that Lyla had made last minute. Not too hard. Right? "Do you think you can handle this y/n?" Lyla placed her hands on my cheeks (pause)to try and reassure me. I confidently nodded my head, I was ready for this.

Lyla's light soon left me and joined Miguel again. I stood up from off the wall and grabbed my bag from the floor, then placed it on my back. I pulled out the map Lyla gave me and started heading to the control room. I somehow snuck past Miguel and left his office. Made my way up the flights of stairs, and made my way to the entrance of the control room. It wasn't as dark as Miguel's office, but it was only slightly lit with the window on the ceiling. There were a couple of control panels in a circle on the right side of the room, and a funny looking robot arm? "AHH!!" THE ROBOT ARM MOVES??? I quickly covered my mouth after yelling. The arm scanned me up and down with a red lazer. It then pulled itself up into the ceiling. I reached into my pocket for the instruction manual Lyla gave me and looked it over

Lyla's game plan:

-Scan yourself.
-Check the screen on the control panel to make sure your going to the right earth.
-Make your way to the center platform .
-Wait for the robo-spider to close the seal.

Oh, step two is already completed. I smiled to myself knowing I already did something right. I sped walked over to the control panel, rushing to find the screen. It was covered by some papers and webs, but I found it eventually. "Earth-616" the screen read. I ran around the control panel to get to the platform but- "fuck, fuck, fuck, noooo" I grabbed my hair and started pacing in circles. The platform was in the middle of the freaking ROOM. I ran back to the control panel and I frantically searched for a way to get me over there, some kind of button to get me to the other side, anything? Searching wasn't doing anything. So I decided to do what any reasonable person would do. Jump.

865 words, sorry if this sounds rushed

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