Day 1-2: What did I get myself into.

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Word of the day: Shart

Origin: The back end



I woke up to something wet on my pillow, and a weird smell. I picked my head up to realize I was drooling during my nap, and I hate drooling. My breath always smells weird when I sleep and now my pillow smelled like bad breath, so I reached into my suitcase and grabbed a small thing of tissues and a small hand sanitizer container and started wiping off my arm and my pillow. 

After that was done -since there were no windows- I wanted to know the time. I tossed everything back into the bag except the dirty wipe, which I put in the trash, then grabbed my phone to see what time it was. It was dead- While I was sleeping it must have slipped off the charger, and since I was playing music, it probably killed my battery. Sadly, I knew I had to leave the room to look at the clock in the kitchen. I got off my bed, putting my fallen off sock back on, and quietly opened the door.

The kitchen wasn't too far from our bedroom, and if I didnt want to deal with Miguel I had to hurry and get back.  Hopefully he would be asleep by now, the last thing I need is to piss him off. I peeked outside to make sure it was clear to go. He wasn't awake but he wasn't gone either. He was asleep in his chair at his desk with one screen on still, it sounded like a little girl laughing, but I'm probably just tired. I got to the kitchen, and the microwave clock said 1:08 AM. 1:08AM?!?! Its barely the next day, and I thought I had gotten more sleep than just a few hours. Before I turned around, I saw something in the reflection of the microwave, a tall red and blue one..

I was about. to. shit. bricks. I put my hands over my mouth a little scared about what he had to say, and slowly turned around. I started explaining as fast as my mouth possibly could "I'm not snooping or anything or wandering around I fell asleep and wanted to chec-" 

  "Stop.....talking" was all he said. He had his hands on his hips and just stood there for a second. He looked tired, like, extremely tired, bags under his eyes and everything. "Just go back to bed y/n" As soon as he said that I went right back to my room and flopped on my bed closing the door with my foot. Before I fell asleep for the rest of the night, I made sure my phone was on the charger. My final thoughts before drifting off were about what tomorrow is going to be like.

8:30 my alarm on my phone goes off because I forgot to turn it off, I use it to wake up for school normally. I sat up and took off my blanket, and put my little pink slippers on. I realized Mayday wasn't in her bed? I started looking around the room confused, I quickly walked out the room going to go ask Miguel if he's seen her. As I got closer to the kitchen I smelled something sooooooo good, something sugary, and sweet, and possibly strawberries? I did a little awkward jog to the kitchen since I had slippers on, and saw Miguel making pancakes. He doesn't seem like the kind of person to bake or cook anything, but I shouldn't assume things about anyone. I watched as he set a plate down in front of Mayday who was sitting on the counter playing with he feet. As he set the plate down, he ended up seeing me. His mood instantly changed from being relaxed and maybe even smiling, to having awkward stiff movements, and being uncomfortable. 

"I'm sorry, I should have said something" I slowly walked over to the chairs sat at the island counters. It was silent for awhile before anyone said anything "Do you like pancakes?" I nodded and followed it with a question, maybe I'd learn something about him. "Your spiderman right?" "mhm" he was cleaning the kitchen a bit while my pancakes were cooking. "Then why are your webs red? I'm assuming thats what it was last night, right?" he looked over at me for a second then back at the pancakes. "My only job is to make sure you stay alive, not tell your my life story. So no more questions about me, Got it?" My face scrunched up, confused. "Whats with the sudden change?? Did I say something wrong??"

 He was obviously done talking to me, so I shut up. I sat a little closer to Mayday as I watched her eat while laying my head down. I had to move her cute little red locks out of her face. After about 2 minutes Miguel put a plate down in front of me, STRAWBERRY PANCAKES, I love these- "I love these" I started stuffing a few bites in my mouth before chewing it up. With my mouth full of this wonderful food, I almost forgot to say thank you. "Thank you" I mumbled while trying to cover my mouth "Dont talk with your mouth full- please" I closed my mouth as soon as he said that "Sorry sir". "Stop calling me sir, just call me Miguel." I nodded since my mouth was semi full still.

Awhile later Miguel finishes cleaning the kitchen and me and Mayday are done eating. I put our plates in the sink and cleaned them off, then put them on the drying rack. I picked up Mayday to go change her diaper, and get her some clothes for the day that weren't pajamas. After I was done with that I changed into something else too. (think of your own outfits 😭)

1013 words 💪🏽 

(I'll get the rest of day 2 out soon, p.s I was not feeling it today also, so this chapter ain't that good to me)

The layout I guess? Let me know if I should change it

The layout I guess? Let me know if I should change it

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