1 Starting something new

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Y/N, she's...normal I guess. Had to be adopted twice, 'lost' her parents, travels the multiverse and now lives with someone who hates her. Normal life, right?

(This is my first fanfic 😭💪🏽)

The bell rang for the end of 7th period, there was one class left till I could go home. I grabbed my bag and started walking to Spanish class with my best friend Serena "So why do you have to leave for a week?" Serena said while stuffing class papers in her bookbag, dropping a few along the way. "I gotta go on a family trip, but don't worry we'll text and call while I'm gone. And I'll be back next Wednesday'' I grab her arm comforting her and lay my head on her shoulder. We hug and let go of each other, going our separate ways to our last class.

Spanish class ends and I start running to my bus because I fell asleep and didn't have time to pack up. I get outside and see my bus pull away. "You've gotta be kidding me-" I mumble under my breath. I start walking to the front office and slump down in one of the chairs waiting to be called. A few students talk to the office ladies before it's my turn to go. "Hi sweetie, what do you need help with?" she said typing on her computer not looking up at me. "I need to make a phone call, I missed my bus"

"The phone is over there hun" she points. I nod my head in appreciation and awkwardly walk to the phone. This office was quiet for no reason because I know everyone could hear me press every single number in. The phone started ringing, and it felt like forever- Even though the person I was calling wasn't actually family, he was the closest thing to an Uncle to me.


"Hey kid, what's up?"

"I uh...missed my bus again"

I could hear him chuckle a bit "I'll come and pick you up. I'm gonna be bringing Mayday too so you'll have to sit in the front seat"

"That's fine" I didn't care at this point, I was so tired.

I had to wait like 20 minutes in those uncomfortable office chairs, my butt was hurting so bad at this point and I kept looking out the window waiting for Peter to get here. 3 minutes pass and I see his car pull up. "Bye Mrs. Smith" I wave to the office ladies and walk out the front door, gradually walking faster to Peter's car. "Peter!!" I say with joy while getting in the car "Hiii Mayday" She just started giggling and wiggling around in her car seat. The car started moving after I put my seatbelt on "kid you gotta stop sleeping in class" he sounded a bit disappointed which upset me a bit. "I know I know, I just....you know I don't sleep well at Susan's house, she's really mean, and likes old people things, like chess or golfing" Peter started cracking up, still keeping his eyes on the road. "I know you don't like her very much but still try to be nice."

"Speaking of that though." We pull into the driveway and the car stops. "Me and May have something to show you" he motioned me to go inside while he was getting Mayday. I grabbed my bag and rushed inside to go see Aunt May. I hadn't seen her for almost a month because she went on a business trip so I'm glad I finally get to see her.

"Aunt May?" She isn't my aunt, but it doesn't feel right just calling her May, and she's like an aunt to me. As soon as I closed the door behind me, I turned around and I saw her napping on the couch. So I grabbed the plaid blanket they had draped over the couch and put it on her, since their house was a bit chilly. "Hey y/n, come get Mayday while I get the surpri-" My finger was on my lips signaling for him to be quiet and he finally saw it while almost waking up Aunt May. I grabbed the baby from him and took her to her room so I could find something to keep her occupied. We played with some of her dolls and drew some pictures with the crayons I got her for her 1st birthday.

"Alright y/n, you can come out to the living room now!" I picked up Mayday and carried her down the hallway into the other room. Sitting her down on the couch then sitting down myself. Aunt May was sitting next to Peter, still adjusting her eyes to the light. "We have a surprise for you y/n" The two adults looked at each other and started smiling while grabbing some papers from behind them. "We... have thought about this for awhile, and we think now is a good time to do it" May says while holding Peter's hand and handing me some papers. "Y'all are making me nervous" I nervously laugh while taking the papers. Sentence after sentence I had a more shocked expression "Now I know its a lot bu-" I ran up to them hugging them. "Are you sure you wanna live with us y/n?" Peter asked me "YES I'M POSITIVE! When can I move in?!?" I stopped hugging them "As soon as you want, we already cleared a room for you"

Finally, I had a family. 

909 wordcount 💖

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