Day 2: Jessica Drew

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After we got dressed, I heard Mayday making little babbling noises behind me. "Whats wrong girly?" I crouched down in front of her and cuffed her face with my hands. She pointed at my notebook and started smiling. "you wanna draw something?" she nodded and struggled to stand up for a second. After she managed to get up she started wobbling her way over to my bed and plopped her face into my covers. I stood up and jumped onto my bed sitting criss cross in front of May-May and grabbed my notebook and opened it to a random blank page for her. "Here you go May-may, I'll be right back ok?" She nodded her head as I put some crayons in front of her and started walking to the door.

I walked out the room to go get a cheese stick, and walked over to the fridge, opened the door and got a couple. I shut the refrigerator door an- "Hi y/n" a yellow hologram said "AHHH" I fell back slipping onto the floor and hitting my tailbone on the hard tiles. "That looked like it hurt" She leaned over, tilting her glasses down to look at me. "It did hurt". "Sorry to scare you, I'm Lyla, Miguel's assistant" I looked at her a little confused, not sure how to respond. "Miguel just wanted me to let you know that he wasn't here at the moment and that you could ask me for anything you needed instead." I slowly stood up using the edge of the counter to help me, while my other hand was holding my back. "Well uhm.. nice to meet you Lyla." I thought for a second
"Wait so your saying he just left us??" I started moving my hands around as I talked since I was a little mad about that, he didn't even say anything to us. "Yes. No?....yes, but don't worry Jess is coming to take care of you guys for a bit while he's gone." Everytime she changed her answer she would teleport to a different part of the counter. "Jess?." "Another spiderman from Earth-404, I think you two will get along very well." She explained "she should be here in 5 so make sure you have everything you need" I nodded my head, assuming Jess was going to take me and mini May somewhere. Lyla vaporized into thin air and I quickly went back to our room.

Waiting to save questions for later I hurried and finished my cheese sticks so I could grab Mayday. I got back into our room and May-may was trying to show me something by hanging upside down above my bed. She started pointing at my notebook "you love those web shooters huh-" I started chuckling and sat on my bed as she plopped down next to me. I picked up my notebook. looking through the pages she drew on. "Woow these are very amazing may-may, I love the uh...colors you made..? Very nice" I nervously laughed trying not to hurt her feelings but she didn't seem affected at all because she was playing with the stuffed frog on my bed. I asked her if she knew Jess and she started smiling and rolling around on my bed "I'm assuming that's a yes" I laid on my stomach as I watched her play around.

"Y/N?!" I raised my head up and quickly got off my bed and ran out the door. There was a spider woman in the middle of Miguel's big room/ office (wtf is it even called) "I'm here" I raised my hand, while being out of breath "y-your Jess right?" I was hunched over trying to catch my breath. "Yea!! It's so nice to meet you Peter always talks about you and Mayday" she started laughing "He talks about me?" I looked up at her with my eyebrow raised. "All the time girl, your like one of his own" That made my entire day. "Ok, but can you get Mayday please, I wanted to show you around HQ" I nodded and went to run back to our room but she was crawling on the wall behind us. She dropped off the wall and before I could go run and catch her Jess used her webs to catch her and bounce her into my arms. That was so. Cool. "C'mon you two" she started chuckling.

We were in the main part of the building, where everyone else was. There were so many Spidermen "Hey Jessica" 3 peter parkers said. We walked down a couple of bridges "alright first, here's alllll the fast food places from every. Earth. Ever. Wendy's, McDonald's, Subway, the only place that's unique here is the spider cafe" she led us over there "This place is known for their Miguel Ohara burgers, surprisingly very good" I looked st all the spider people eating, talking and laughing, and I started to smile. "This was the first place I went to, the burgers are very good" that reminded me, I had a few questions about Miguel. Like why was he so secretive about everything, and why was he so grumpy? "Hey Jess?" I said quietly, a little nervous to talk about Miguel. "Why is Miguel the way he is?" I made sure it was quiet enough for just Jess to hear. She stood there puzzled for a bit, not knowing what to say, or how to say it "Listen kid, I can't say too much about it, but he did some things that he shouldn't have that caused him to be like this." She had a empathetic look on her face "he lost someone very important to him, so if you ever think he's doing things just to be mean, he's not. So don't say anything you might regret" I nodded my head "Why did he need to leave anyways?"

(Time skip?)
"And that's what anomalies are" she explained while taking a sip of her coffee. I leaned back in my chair and looked at Mayday completely stunned. "That sounds like a ton of work, why doesn't he just have the spider people he recruited?" I sat up a bit so I could eat my burger over the table. I glanced over at Mayday and she was just shrugging like she knew what I was saying. "I can't give you all of that information, if he wants to explain that he can." "Is it because of that thing he did?" She thought for a moment then nodded her head. As she took another sip from her cup, she saw the time on her watch. "Hey girls," me and May-may looked up at Jess confused "I should probably get you two home" everyone finished eating and cleaned up their areas. Mayday had fallen asleep so Jess held her on the way going back. She started walking with me back to Miguel's part of the building, and patting the sleeping baby's back to make sure she didn't wake up. By the time we got back it was about 8:23 pm.
So we were with Jess almost all day. She started calling for Miguel to let him know we got back safely. We got to the big room, and as usual he wason his platform watching his screens. "Miguel! Im here to drop off the girls" she yelled up at him then smiled at us.

He said it ever so quietly but I swear I heard a thank you. "Just to let you know, they already ate dinner with me" she slowly handed Mayday to me, and I wrapped my arms around her putting her head on my shoulder. "Thank you for taking us out today, we had a lot of fun, especially this little one" I chuckled while looking at the passed out baby. "Anytime you wanna hang out, if im not busy of course, just ask Miguel, he knows where to find me" she gave me a nice hug before waving goodbye to everyone, and then she was gone.

I was exhausted, and my ass still hurt-

1349 words 😮‍💨

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