Chapter 3: The First Week

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2nd person POV
You've been in the circus for about a week now, and you've slowly just accepted your fate. You've kinda gotten used to the place. The colorful atmosphere started burning your eyes a bit less, and you started to at least be somewhat friendly with your peers. Ragatha was the sweetest to you, and you really enjoyed being around her. She was very motherly, so you felt safe in her presence. Zooble was also fun when they wanted to be, and they enjoyed gardening, so you would go outside and garden with them when you were stressed out. You had met Kaufmo on the 3rd day of you being there, and he was...well he wasn't mentally stable at all. Kept going on and ON about the exit he saw, but you had already looked everywhere and just couldn't find it for the life of you. You were pretty sure he was just crazy, but everytime he talked to you you'd just awkwardly smile and nod your head. Kinger was fun to talk to at times, though he often spoke complete nonsense. And you didn't really talk to Gangle that much, but she was fairly nice when you did. Just extremely emotional. You also finally met Bubble recently, and she's cute! kind of crazy and a bit gross at times, but cute. And or course, there's Jax. God how you hated that bunny. Always leaving things in your room, teasing you all the time, tripping you, ruffling your hair, the WORKS. but at the end of the day, you guess he isn't the WORST person in the world. He's kind...sometimes. And you can't lie, he is a bit charming...but you still hated him! Nothing he does can change that! No matter how much charm he uses, he'll always be a good-for-nothing bunny. And speak of the damn devil really, cause as you walk out of your room, you run right into him. He yells a bit as he backs up, not seeing who he ran into. But once he sees its you, he flashes you his infamous smirk. "Oh, it's just you sweetheart. you find what i left in your room yet~?" He asked menacingly, making the hair on your neck stand straight up. What was it now!?! you thought as you shook your head slowly. "No Jax, but I'm sure it's JUST as bad as the tarantula, if not worse." You squeaked in an annoyed tone, shuttering as you thought about the tarantula. Jax smiled softly in response to this before ruffling your hair, sauntering past you. "Well let me know when ya do darlin'! Tata!!" He called, and you could hear his snickering through his voice. Ugh! What an ass!! However, you smiled ever so slightly, looking back as he walked off. A soft pink hue crept up onto your cheeks...NO! Nonono, you can't! You shook your head before continuing to the main area of the circus, seeing Ragatha and smiling, waving at her. She waves back and motions for you to come over, which you do. "Hey Y/N!! How are you?" She beamed, smiling softly at you. You sat down next to her, playing with your h/c hair. "Hey Rags! I'm alright, just ran into Jax...ugh, he's so obnoxious." You replied, frustrated. She sighed and her smile faltered ever so slightly. "Hey, don't be too hard on much as he annoys all of us, he's really just a kid...he's confused and doesn't think he has anyone to talk to..." she pleaded, her eyebrows furrowing ever so slightly. she really did care about Jax. You sighed quietly and nodded slowly, messing with your pants as you looked down at your feet. You knew she was right, but did that really excuse his actions? You didn't think so, but you also had only been here a week. Ragatha knew him better than anyone else around here, you knew that for a fact. "I guess so...I don't know Rags, he's just...I don't know how I feel about him..." you admitted, and she could tell that you had so many mixed feelings about him. Most of you hated him, but small parts of you thought he was didn't know how you felt anymore. Maybe you'll talk to Zooble about it...they always seemed to know how to help you think things through logically. You talked to Ragatha for a while before hugging her and saying goodbye, going to your room and shutting the door. But then you suddenly remember something, making your eyes widen and all of your hairs stand on end...Jax left something in your room. You were gonna start looking for it, but you noticed a small bunny plush on your bed...he left you a plushie? You picked it up and examined it, and the moment you picked it up, a shit ton of glitter exploded out of it, covering you in the stuff. You shrieked in anger, "JAAAAAAAAX!!!!! WHEN I FIND YOU YOU'RE F*&#ING DEAD!!!!" You could hear him laughing hysterically from his room next door. He boomed back at you, "you can try to kill me darling, but it'll never work!! We're DIGITAL, remember!?!" You groaned loudly and looked at the was pretty decided to keep it. You went back to Ragatha and asked her to sew its stomach back up for you, and she happily did. Once done, you thanked her and went back to your room, laying down on your bed and snuggling the plushie. Thanks Jax...

A/N: Hey guys, another Chapter done!! Thank you all for reading, and I'll see you in the next one!! Stay safe out there my darlings!!!

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