Chapter 8: Date With a Jester

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Ragatha's POV
I paced around my room, nervously trying to figure out how to ask Pomni to go out with me. "Get it together Ragatha, you can do this...what's the worse that can happen?" I mutter to myself while looking in the mirror. I let out a sigh and leave my room, seeing a periwinkle bunny pacing in the hallway. "Uh, Jax...? You ok there love?" I inquire. I never see him nervous; It's honestly an emotion I thought he didn't experience. I can see him jump and his ears stand up straight, his yellow eyes darting towards me as he laughs nervously.
"Y-Yeah, I'm fine Dollface. Don't worry about me, go find PomPom!! I know you're off to ask her out. I think I saw her in the main area a few minutes ago." He answers, and I just shrug and nod, continuing to the main area of the tent. I see Pomni sitting on a small square cushion, and my face heats up immediately, a pink hue evident on my pale cheeks. I slowly walk up to her, twirling a lock of my hair around my finger anxiously. God I hope she says yes I think to myself. "H-Hey Pomni!" I exclaim, making her look up and smile.
"Oh, hey Rags!! How are you?" She asks, and I smile softly. She's adorable. "I'm good! I actually wanted to ask you something..." I say, and she makes a questioning hmm noise, signaling me to continue. "I-I um...I r-really like you, and I was h-hoping you would g-go on a d-date with me?" I ask nervously, stuttering as I speak. I see her blush softly as she blurts out, "YES!! I-I mean yes, I'd love you-TO!! I'd love to!!" She starts laughing and I join her, ecstatic that she said yes. "Alright, I'll meet you here around 5?" I ask, and she says yes. I walk away to go find Zooble, and ask them if I can use their garden for the date. Once I find them I ask them and they say yes, so I thank them and go back to my room. But I see Jax...sitting in front of his own room with his head in his hands. I walk over to him and sit down next to him, putting my hand on his shoulder. He jumps and looks up, smirking slightly. But I could tell he was forcing it. "D-Dollface! Hey, sorry, I didn't see ya there. How'd it go with Pomni?" He asks, resting his head on his hand. "It went well, she said yes. But thats not why I sat here Jax..what's going on? You've seemed off since I saw you before going to talk to Pomni." I reply, and he sighs, his ears drooping slightly. "It's nothing Dollface, I you think Y/N hates me?" he asks sadly, which was shocking to me. Why would he care if they hate him? He's never cared how anyone feels about him. "Well, no, I don't think they hate you. They wouldn't stand being around you if they did. But why does it matter Jax? You've never cared what others think about you, why are they different?" I explain, and I could see he didn't really wanna answer. "It doesn't matter Rags...but thanks." He smiles softly, but his ears are still pinned down. " you like Y/N?" I asked, and his ears stood straight up as his eyes widened. "W-what!?! N-no, I don't like Y/N, that would be crazy!! I don't like anyone!!" He defends, and I snicker a bit. "Alright bunny, whatever you say." He huffed and told me to just leave him alone, so I did, and we both went into our own rooms.
(Time skip to the date, but the next chapter will be Zooble and Y/N setting up/cleaning up the garden for the date. Hope that makes sense.)
I left to go meet with Pomni, holding a bouquet of roses in my hand. I saw her waiting and blushed, saying hi and handing her the flowers. "Oh Ragatha...they're lovely, thank you." She giggled, and I smiled at her. I take her hand and we walked to Zooble's garden, where Y/N and Zooble had set up a small picnic. We both sat down and talk for hours while eating. The date is amazing, she is amazing. I smile softly at her and she smiles back, and I take both of her hands into mine. I'm blushing intensely, and I nervously mutter out, "Hey Pomni? I know it's kinda sudden and soon, but...would you be my girlfriend?" Her eyes widen and she doesn't answer, instead she just leans in and softly presses her lips onto mine. I gasp but kiss her back softly, wrapping my arms around her waist as she places hers onto my shoulders. Her touch is so soft and warm, and she tastes like cherries and a bit of cinnamon. She's perfect. After a minute we pull apart, and I look into her eyes, which are shaped like hearts. We're both blushing and she smiles. "Yes Ragatha. I'd love to be your girlfriend, if you'll be mine." We both laugh happily and walk back to the tent, kissing each other periodically the whole way there.

A/N: hey guys, hope you enjoyed this chapter!! Sorry that it took so long!! I'll try to update more often from now on, and I promise we'll actually get into stuff with Y/N and Jax soon. I know it's taking a while, but I'm gonna write the amusement park chapter soon (if you remember Y/N promised to go to the amusement park with Jax in the 6th chapter). Anyway, I'll see you guys in the next chapter!! Stay safe my darlings!!

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