Chapter 5: Abstraction

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Your POV
Shitshitshitshit SHIT!! On Pomni's first day too!? My breathing quickens as my eyes are nothing more than small e/c dots, Ragatha and I backing up cautiously. Jax was acting calm, but me and Rags knew he was scared too. But I'd never let Pom know that, he'd hate for her to know he's scared. He reached into Kaufmo's room and grabbed a blue and white marbled bowling ball off the ground, laughing slightly as he said, "Oh I've been looking for this! Thanks for keeping an eye on it Kaufy! I'll see you guys later." And with that, he grabbed my wrist tightly and started running, dragging me behind him. "W-Wait, Jax, what about Ragatha and Pomni!? We have to go back!!" I gasped, struggling to speak with my heavy breathing. His pupils were nothing but small squares, and his lip quivered ever so slightly. god he's scared. I've never seen him this worked up. "Y/N there isn't TIME, ok!? Rags will be fine, I know it...just RUN!!" He snapped at me, and so I just nodded and ran. After what felt like an eternity, he finally stopped, and I ran into his back, yelping as my paranoia took over. Both of us were hunched over, hands on our kneels, panting heavily to try to catch our breath. I cried, "J-Jax...wh-what if Ragatha is hurt? Wh-what if Pomni is hurt, what if they need help, w-we have to go back, K-Kaufmo is gonna-" I rambled, tearing up as I worried about my friend...but he put his finger over my lips, shushing me. "Sweetheart. They're going to be ok. Ragatha is smart, and strong. And Pomni will be fine as long as she has Dollface with her. It's gonna be ok, alright?" He comforted me, rubbing my back as he wiped the small tears that were pricking the corners of my eyes. Wow...he was never this nice to anyone, much less me. I nodded, faking a small smile to try and comfort him too. "Y-yeah. You're right." He smiled back and stroked my hair, and I blushed just a bit. "Let's go find Gangle and Kinger." He stated, and I nodded, following him as he walked off to find the two. After about 10 minutes we found the two knuckleheads staring down at a black hole, presumably where the gloinks took Zooble. "Hey ya, fellas." Jax stated playfully, startling Kinger and causing him to scream. Both me and Jax covered our ears, me whining, "KINGER!! FOR THE LOVE OF F*#K, STOP DOING THAT!!!" Jax nodded in agreement, groaning as he rubbed his ear. "Sorry Y/N, but LOOK!! WE FOUND THE ZOOBLE HOLE!!!" Kinger exclaimed excitedly. "Oh, cool..." Jax and I muttered sarcastically, and they asked us how Kaufmo was. Me and Jax looked at each other, then back and Kinger and Gangle. "Oh, Kaufmo is doing just great!! He's never been better, really!!" I told them, lying my absolute ass off. We then heard abstracted Kaufmo roar, and both me and Jax looked at each other in a bit of a panic. "Yeah, I've never seen him this happy. and he actually asked me to give you this." Jax added, chucking his bowling ball at Kinger, who fell into the hole and dragged Gangle down with him. Now normally I'd think Jax was a bit of and ass for that move, but I just smiled at him and giggled, "Nice thinking." He laughed back and agreed, "Oh I know, now c'mon." With that, we both jumped into the hole. Once we reached the bottom, the tangled up Kinger and Gangle knocked over a bunch of bowling-pin shaped Gloinks, leaving one, which Jax kicked. This caused a large SPARE!! Board to appear, which ticked Jax off, so he tore it down and broke it in half. We then found the god damn Gloink queen or some shit, I don't know, it was dumb and weird; Jax agreed, but he said it to the things face, and I just laughed as my way of agreeing. Then, as she complained, we both remarked, "look, we ain't here for the dumb adventure or anything, we're just hiding from-" but before we could even finish, Kaufmo (or what he had become) broke through the floor, or in our case ceiling, and beat the gloink queen up. We had already retrieved Zooble by this point, and they pointed the escalator out. We went back to the main area, where we found Pomni and Caine. Jax just waved at her, and I could tell he felt bad leaving Pomni and Rags behind. I didn't blame him though, he was scared. I ran up to Pomni and hugged her, questioning, "POMNI!! Are you ok!?! What happened, where's Ragatha!?" Pomni gently pushed me off her, I guess I was being a bit dramatic. She teared up slightly as she cried, "I-I'm fine, but Ragatha...I-I'm sorry, I didn't know what to do!! When I tried to touch her my hand started glitching, I freaked out!!" I sighed and looked at Jax, who also seemed concerned. We both knew what happened, and we saw Ragatha dragging herself on the floor, glitching out. She whined about how much pain she was in, but with a snap of his fingers, Caine fixed her and Pomni's hand. Ragatha stood up and rubbed her arm nervously, standing next to Pomni. Pomni obviously felt bad, and we all watched as Caine put Kaufmo into the cellar. "Well, you technically defeated the Gloink queen, so the adventure is over!! Your reward is a feast, prepared by our very own Bubble chef!!" Caine reported excitedly, and Bubble then appeared, adding, "Made with all the love I'm legally allowed to give..." legally? What the fuck is our legal system? Oh whatever, I don't even care. "Yknow, I am pretty hungry." Jax remarked, and Gangle whispered, "you didn't even do anything..." I giggled as the two bickered, and we all sat around the table, talking about random stuff. I sat next to Jax, and looked up at him, smiling a bit. He looked back at me and smirked playfully. maybe he isn't as bad as bad as I thought...

A/N: hey guys!! Hope yall liked this chapter!! I'll see you guys in the next one, stay safe out there my darlings!!

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