Chapter 11: First Day Dating

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your POV
I woke up with a groan, but when i tried to get out of the bed, i realized something had a tight hold on me. I look up and see a certain periwinkle rabbit's face, him being fast asleep while my head lays comfortably on his chest. Oh yeah, that's right…
Last night…
After we both confessed our love for each other, Jax and I slowly walked back to the circus tent, holding hands the whole way there. Time is…complicated in this place, but we at least knew it was late. And we can't really be tired, but we guessed we should sleep anyway. Once we reached Jax’s room, which is very close to mine anyway, I had started saying goodnight to him. But he quickly opened the door and pulled me into his room, closing the door behind him. I looked at him confused, and he started to mess with the clasps of his overalls nervously.“Hey, uh, Y/N…since we’re um, yknow, dating…w-why don’t you just sleep in my room tonight?” Jax stuttered out, his ears covering his eyes and his race clearly bright red. I chuckled sweetly and nodded, hopping onto his bed. “Sure Bunny, why not?” I replied, sighing happily. I saw his face light up as he got in bed, wrapping his arm around me. I sighed happily and laid my head on his chest, and he gave me a small kiss on the forehead before starting to try and fall asleep. I blushed heavily and smiled to myself, both of us drifting off to sleep eventually…
Back to current time…
Aaaaaand that's how we got here. I chuckled slightly and started poking his cheek softly. “Jax…Jaaax…Bunny, wake up…” I cooed at the currently sleeping rabbit, and he groaned as he stirred, rubbing his eye as he got up. “Huh? What happened?” He inquired in his sleepy state, and I laughed. “Nothing Jax, I just wanted you to get up.” I told him, and he groaned, rolling over on his side and pulling me to his chest. “Doll, just go back to bed…I don't wanna deal with Caine yet…” he complained, and I chuckled but agreed anyway. Well, we almost did, until Zooble opened Jax's door. “Jax, get up!! Caine wants all of us in the-” they started, until they noticed that me and Jax were cuddling. “…hi Zooble?” I said to them, laughing awkwardly. “...hi Y/N. Guessing the date went well~?” They teased, making both me and Jax blush heavily. His ears pinned back and both of us yelled, “ZOOBLE!!!” they laughed and said, “whatever you two, just get ready, Caine has an adventure for all of us…yaaaaay.” We all groaned in unison and Zooble left, closing the door as they went. Well, this is our first day officially dating! Maybe things won't be so bad around here after all
A/N: hey guys!! I just wanted to say I hope yall enjoy this small little chapter! Stay safe out there!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04 ⏰

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