Chapter 4: Newbie!!

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2nd person POV
It had been about a month of you being in this circus now. You and Jax started hating each other a little less, but he still annoyed you to no end. You had been sleeping soundly in your room when you hear someone banging on your door, startling you awake. "WHAT THE F#!K IS HAPPENING!?!?" you barked at whoever was on the other side, extremely irritated. "Sweetheart, a new sucker just showed up, come onnnnnn!!" Jax responded loudly. You groan and get out of your bed, brushing your hair and opening the door. And to your surprise, he...he fucking fell over. He was leaning on your door and fell backwards when you opened it, making a loud THUD when he landed. He rubbed the back of his head as he sat up, mumbling to himself, "owwwww...that hurt...." At this point you had been laughing your ass off for the past 2 minutes. Jax glared up at you before standing up. "Haha, very funny Y/N. C'mon, let's just go meet the newbie" he snarled, walking off. You wiped your tears and followed him, both of you going to the main area. Newstuff was obviously startled and confused, and she was still trying to tear the headset off of her face. Ah, the first day. Fuckin wild stuff. She sorta reminds you of yourself in a small way, though you weren't as hysterical as she is. She's a cute little thing, a jester character. Caine had already explained the place to her, and we were just here to watch her spiral. "Remember when you were like that, Sweetheart~?" Jax teased, elbowing you in the arm. You pushed him playful.y, replying, "oh come on, I wasn't THAT hysterical, bunny." "Oh yes you were!! You pulled at your face longer that she did!!" He retorted, laughing a bit. You smile softly and roll your eyes, mouthing, "whatever mister." You both turn to the new girl, who finally chilled the fuck out. Took her a long time. "Ok, maybe I was were less hysterical..." Jax whispered to you, to which you just whispered back, "yeah, I told you so." Ragatha rolled her eyes at the both of you and went to talk to the new girl. Caine gives her the tour of the place, and after all the teleporting, she vomits ALL OVER the floor. You gag and nearly vomit yourself, but Bubble cleans up the new girls vomit by...well she fuckin eats it. Gross. Caine pulls out his good old name generator, and the new girl is named Pomni. A cute name, don't know if it means anything though...but whatever. She also rambles on about and exit...she just got here? How is she going crazy already? Caine sends us on an in-house adventure, his voice booming, "you all must GATHER THE GLOINKS!!! how will you do this? What even are these whimsical creatures? THATS FOR YOU TO FIND OUT!! GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!!!" And with that, Caine disappeared. Pomni looked around at all of us and asked, "...what did any of that mean?" Ragatha smiled softly, comforting Pomni, "oh don't worry about it, it's just one of Caine's little adventures. Helps keep us from, yknow, going insane." Zooble scoffed and complained, "I am NOT doing this. If anyone needs me, then f*&k off." But before they could walk off, a group of Gloinks fucking jumped them and disassemble them. Everyone was concerned aside from Jax, who just casually said, "oh no, they killed Zooble. Anyway, you guys wanna go get something to eat?" You turned to look at Pomni, and she seemed more freaked out then before. That last part of what Rags said didn't really seem to help her at all. You rolled your eyes, you didn't really feel like dealing with this newbie. You walked up to Pomni, obviously a bit fed up already, and remarked, "look PomPom, we were all in your position at one point, and we turned out JUST fine. You will too, so don't get too worked up." Ragatha nodded in agreement, and Jax...well he was busy bullying Gangle. Can he leave her alone for ONE day!?! Ragatha said they should check on Kaufmo, since he hadn't left his room all day. You groaned, "Do we HAAAAAAVE to?" She seemed a bit irritated at your attitude and retorted, "Y/N! Yes, we do! He's our FRIEND!!" You sighed and crossed your arms, agreeing to do so begrudgingly. Gangle sadly muttered, "hey...what about Zooble...?" A gloink hit Jax in the face, making him mad. "ALRIGHT, I've already had enough of these things!! Me, Ragatha, you and Pomni will go check on Kaufmo. Which leaves CRYBABY and HOO-HA together to go handle the Zooble situation." Ragatha chuckles nervously and whispers to Jax, "do you think pairing them together is a good idea?" He scoffs and smirks, explaining, "of course I do. They're the two most mental stable and capable characters to be paired together. C'mon ladies, lets go harass the clown." He started walking off, and all three of you followed him. Pomni talked to Ragatha on the way, and Rags kinda...spiraled telling her about how terrible it is when a character loses their mind. You laughed nervously and interrupted, assuring Pomni, "don't listen to her Newstuff, that's not something you gotta worry about today. Caine really just makes us do this to keep our brains stimulated or some s*!t like that." We were now standing in front of Kaufmo's door, and man did you not feel like seeing this guy. Pomni had settled on this all being a dream or something, so Jax teased her, "good thing this is all 'just a dream', right Pomni?" But when we looked at her, she looked like she was absolutely lost, and Jax gently tapped her face to snap her out of it. "Wh-huh? What are we doing?" "We're getting one of our friends." Ragatha responded, knocking of Kaufmo's door. But he didn't answer. "Huh. Maybe he's not in his room? I hope he's alright..." Rags inquired, and before I could just walk off, Jax told her, "Don't worry Dollface, I've got a key to his room." He spun a golden key on his finger before catching it, kneeling down to open Kaufmo's door. "Wh-wait-what? You-you shouldn't have keys to anyone's room!!" Ragatha stuttered in pure shock. I shrugged, questioning, "you didn't know? He has keys like, everywhere." She shook her head, and Jax chuckled. "Yeah, I do, and you've all been fine. By the way, I may have left something in your room today so, let me know if ya find it? Oh, you're not afraid of centipedes are ya?" Ragatha stuttered, she hated centipedes. The two bickered for a bit until Jax opened Kaufmo's door, and oh...oh he fucking lost it. The word "EXIT" was written all over his walls, creepy paintings of him all over, a drawing of Caine tormenting him, god it was weird. Kaufmo stood in the middle of the room...but he wasn't him anymore. He was a giant black mass with eyeballs all over him...oh shit. This is NOT good.

A/N: cliffhanger, yay!!! Sorry about it, the whole Kaufmo incident was gonna be in this same chapter, but this chapter is already pretty long so I decided to split this into two chapters. So I'll see yall in the next one, stay safe out there my darlings!!

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