Chapter 7: A Ragdoll's Dilemma

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Jax's POV
I woke up and yawned, groaning as I got out of my bed. I stretched and looked in the mirror, seeing my fur was ruffled from me tossing and turning in my sleep. "Ugh...fur...cause I just HAD to be a rabbit..." I complained as I brushed it back down. I left my room and walked down the hallway, I didn't bother going to Y/N's room cause they normally get up before me anyway. But when I walked out, I saw Ragatha pacing in the hallway, obviously nervous about something. I rolled my eyes and smirked as I walked up to her. "What's worrying ya Dollface?" I inquired, acting like I really didn't care. But Rags and Y/N were the only people in this place that I did care about. She yelped at jumped, staggering as she regained her balance. Oops, guess I startled her. "O-oh, hey Jax...its nothing really, I just...I Pomni...and I don't know how to tell her." She admitted, twirling her red hair around with her finger. I wasn't exactly shocked, but I didn't really expect her to tell me. Considering what we used to be...but that's in the past, I'm happy for her. "Well I'm sure everything will be fine Rags. You did fine with me, and why wouldn't PomPom like a lady like you?" I assured her, laughing nervously as I brought up us dating. "Yeah...I guess we did do hard feelings Jax, some people just don't work out. Besides, it was me who broke it off, since I found out I was a lesbian." She told me, and I nodded. She looked at me nervously and asked, "so uh...does Y/N know about that? Us dating?" I shook my head, shrugging my shoulders. "Nah, I never felt the need to tell them. It's not like we're dating or anything..." I explained, blushing a bit as I did. But I guess it didn't stay a secret for long, since Y/N walked down the hallway as soon as Rags said that...shit.

Your POV
I simply stood there, my eyes wide as my jaw gaped open in pure shock. I couldn't speak, I couldn't even move. Jax and Ragatha...DATED!?! WHEN!?! I finally got over my shock and blurted out, "YOU GUYS DATED?!? WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME!?!" I was shocked, but also sorta hurt now. I thought they told me everything...but Rags explained, "Y/N, listen! It was a while ago, WAYYYYYY before you showed up. We dated for a few months, but I kinda realized I didn't like guys, so we broke it off. There's no bad blood, neither of us care who we date now, right Jax?" To which the purple bunny nodded, adding, "yeah, and besides, Rags here was just a bit too uptight for me anyway." He smirked playfully as he said that, making Ragatha roll her eyes in the same manner, smiling as she remarked, "oh really? Well if you hadn't been pranking me constantly, maybe I wouldn't have been." They both laughed, and so did I. I'm glad they're still friends, but I can't help but think...what if Jax still loves her? But there's no way, they said it was a while ago. "And anyway, I like Pomni, I just haven't told her yet..." Rags admitted, blushing as she said it. I smiled brightly and hugged her, and she hugged me back. "Oh Rags, I'm sure she'll like you too!! Just tell her, ask her to go to the lake with you, or a picnic, I'm sure Zooble wouldn't mind you having one in their garden!!" I beamed, and she smiled, nodding. "Yeah, you're right, thanks Y/N!!" And with that, she ran off to go talk to Pomni. "I'm happy she found someone." I said, and Jax smiled. "Yeah, so did I..." He mumbled, but I couldn't hear the end, so I asked him to repeat it. He blushed and his ears stood up even straighter, which I didn't even know was possible, considering they're always upright. "I-I SAID YEAH, SO AM I!!" He shouted, laughing nervously as he said it. I looked at him with a confused face, but I just brushed it off. "Ooooookay then, whatever you say Bunny. I'm gonna go get some food, wanna come?" I asked, and he smiled slightly. "Yeah, sure sweetheart." We both walked to the kitchen and made some food, I made a bowl of Mac and cheese, and he make himself a cheeseburger. "Huh, you eat meat? Funny, I figured you'd only eat salad." I joked, and he rolled his eyes playfully. "Veryyyyy funny, just cause I'm a rabbit doesn't mean I have to be a vegetarian, dummy." He joked back, and we both sat down to eat. Zooble walked by and saw us, waving happily. I waved back, and Jax just gave a little head nod. "Hey Y/N, I'm going to go gardening later, wanna come? Rags asked me to use it to go on a date with Pomni, so I wanna clean it up a bit for her." Zooble asked, and I nodded happily. "Yeah I'd love to!! Just grab me when you wanna go!" I cheered, and they nodded, I knew they'd be smiling if they had a mouth. They walked off and me and Jax finished eating, talking and joking as we ate. It's funny to think I ever really hated him...

A/N: hey guys, hope you enjoyed this chapter!! I just wanna let you know that I probably won't be uploading the rest of this week, as I'm going to a concert tomorrow, then of course there's thanksgiving, and then I'm going on a trip with my mom, little sister and grandmother. But I'll upload again the moment I can!! Also, do you guys want me to write out Pomni and Ragatha's date, or just leave that out? See you guys later, stay safe my darlings!!!

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