Chapter 16: Come Down?

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Food definitely made Steve feel a hell of a lot better, but when he almost fell asleep on the couch, he realised it would probably be a bad idea to attempt anything else that evening. After all, it had been a long day. He was also new at this and El had been adamant that like any other physical activity, it was easier with practice. 

"And I think that is my cue to leave," Hopper said as Steve yawned widely, totally unable to stop himself.

"Can finish tomorrow," he said round another yawn.

"Kid, I haven't felt this good in ten years," Hopper replied with a grin. "If you never get to finish, I am more than happy."

"Your ankle is still bad and the hearing in your right ear is out of whack," he said, pausing as he realised he had no idea he had even had that information, "and I'm not clear on how I know that," he added, "but I don't like leaving it unfinished."

It wasn't like he had catalogued everything in Hopper that needed his help on a conscious level, but apparently part of him had.

"You have a very convincing bitch face," Hopper said, clearly amused by his reaction. "When tomorrow?"

"Same time, probably," he replied, "but Keith is supposed to be calling tomorrow to let me and Robin know if Family Video is reopening. I doubt I'll have a shift, but I'll let you know if I do."

"I thought those stores weren't touched by the gates?" Hopper replied.

"Mostly they weren't," Steve explained, "but Keith got a message to Robin to let her know the pipes in the store had ruptured, took out most of the stock. It's all up in the air if they will reopen or if we'll be looking for new jobs. Kind of shocked we didn't get fired, honestly. Guess with all the excitement Keith never figured out we abandoned the store mid shift."

Given everything else that had been going on, Steve couldn't exactly find it in himself to get excited one way or the other. It was a problem for later.

"Any particular reason you did that?" Hopper asked.

"Well Dustin was adamant we go rescue Eddie and you have met Dustin, right?" Steve replied.

"You were on shift when you found me at Rick's?" Eddie asked, eyes round with surprise.

Steve nodded.

"Did we not tell you that part?" he asked.

Eddie shook his head.

"Yeah, we used the company computer to figure out where you'd be and then abandoned ship to come find you," he replied with a shrug. "We've kind of figured out when weird stuff starts happening in this town it's best to get ahead of it and Dustin was adamant everything was weird."

"Let's hope this is the last time," Hopper said.

"No argument from me," Eddie replied. "Doing all this once is enough for me, that you've all been dealing with this shit since 83 still blows my mind."

"Same here, Munson, and I've lived it," Hopper replied, going to stand up. "But it's time I got back. I told Joyce I just wanted to check in with Powell."

"Might want to come clean about that, Chief," Eddie said and grinned, "I'm sure she'll only kill you a little bit."

"Yeah, gonna avoid that for as long as possible," Hopper said, "at least until I can come up with a decent enough excuse."

"Just tell her I was nervous it wouldn't work and so asked you not to say anything," Steve offered.

"Thanks, Kid," Hopper replied, "but this is on me, not you. I will take the heat once I have worked up the courage."

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