Chapter 7: Home Truths

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By the time the doorbell went, Steve had some clean dry clothes and Eddie actually had some clothes, but they were both still wrapped in their blankets and Robin had made sandwiches. When both of them had inhaled what was put in front of them, she had made some more. Everyone had also migrated to the living room where it was warmer and there were more seats.

Steve did his best not to start at the sound of the bell because, after being stuffed with food and hot chocolate, Eddie had decided to doze on his shoulder. It was either an A+ avoidance technique or Eddie was still that tried, but Steve didn't want to disturb him either way.

He was quite surprised when Will came straight in and sat down next to him on the couch.

"You too, huh," Will said.

"Me too, you mean..?" Steve asked.

Will looked at the coffee table, held out his hand and narrowed his eyes. The ugly ashtray in the centre of the table slid towards him.

"Will," Joyce chided gently as the kid wiped his nose with a Kleenex he pulled from his pocket.

"El's been giving me some pointers. Didn't think of raising the dead though," Will told Steve with a smile, as if he wasn't stressed about any of the situation at all.

"He wasn't dead," Steve protested in his own defence.

"Just kind of on the undead side," Eddie muttered around a yawn. "Hey, Will the Wise, long time no see."

"I didn't know you two had met," Steve said, because it was easier than anything else in his head.

"We met at the beginning of the school year, and Henderson and Wheeler have regaled me with many tales of their campaigns," Eddie said. "Will would have been great for Hellfire if he hadn't been called to adventures in California."

"Oh yeah, forgot Starcourt was in July, but everyone was still here until October," Steve realised.

"I feel it should be worrying that you can't keep the dates of all your brushes with death straight in your head," Eddie commented, sitting up and away from Steve.

He did his best not to feel bereft.

"Excuse me for being distracted by the end of the world," Steve bitched back.

"Hi," El said, coming to stand in front of him and dragging his thoughts back to the present.

She was looking at him with the wide-eyed stare she sometimes got when trying to puzzle things out. He used every trick he knew not to fidget.

"Hi, El," Steve replied. "El this is Eddie, Eddie this is El, or do you prefer Jane now, sorry I keep forgetting."

"I do not mind either from my friends," El replied and gave him a smile. "Nice to meet you, Eddie."

"Hi, Supergirl," Eddie replied, "Steve filled me in on how you saved the world again. Nice to meet you too and I would like to offer my personal thanks for ending that bastard for good. I did not like being a minion."

"You are welcome," El said, "I do not think I would like being a minion either."

Steve found himself smiling at the little exchange even though it was utterly bizarre. He caught Joyce and Hopper giving them all a look which he suspected reflected something of a similar reaction. Robin was rolling her eyes and he refused to look at the other three because he really didn't want to know what Nancy was thinking.

"Steve," El said with a serious little brow furrow, "could you tell me what happened with Eddie please?"

"Yeah, okay," he said and did his best to put it all in order in his head. "It began right after they let us go home," he started and proceeded to explain everything he could, as well as he could.

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