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The Three sat in silence for a long while, until Ari spoke.

"When will my Dragon hatch?" He asked, in a quiet voice. Autumn was surprised for a moment. Neither she or Pharaoh had expected Ari to start a conversation. Autumn recovered quickly.

"Well, it should take around five days but it depends on the Dragon and the circumstances. Pharaoh here hatched very early, I'd barely touched his egg when he hatched." Replied Autumn, smiling kindly.

"Why would it hatch early?"

"He, not it. He hatched early because he thought I was in danger and wanted to protect me." Autumn paused to give Pharaoh a loving smile then returned to speaking. "It doesn't affect him aside from the fact he grows slower than other dragons."

Ari seemed to be getting more and more at ease with the conversation.

"How big do dragons grow? Will my Dragon be able to fit in my home? When can I ride it? Can I touch him?" The last question was directed to Pharaoh.

"Umm.. They grow massive, some were bigger than hills once, When it's small, when it's big, ask him yourself." Autumn said it all in one breath, resulting in her having to sit down because she felt light headed.

"How do I as-" The boy was cut of by Pharaoh, saying to both Ari and Autumn,
Speak out loud and I will hear you. I will reply like this.

Ari yelped and span around until his eyes rested on Pharaoh, who was wearing a smug draconic smirk on his face.

"Umm... Hi Mr Dragon... I'm Ari...  May I touch your scales?"

Ari stuttered continuously throughout his speech.
Hello Squirt. If you must.

The Dragon sighed and approached Ari who, after gently putting his egg down, lightly poked a scale on his belly. He quickly backed away when Pharaoh snorted a large ring of smoke.
That tickles!

Ari stopped backing away and approached Pharaoh. He reached out and started to tickle the Dragon. Pharaoh growled in a playfully and winked at Autumn. Then he jumped on top of Ari, pinning him to the ground. At this moment Yaela chose to enter.

"Pharaoh! What are you doing?" She yelled, noticing Ari shoved against the floor.
He tickled me. Replied Pharaoh, not moving an  inch.

At this moment Ari began quietly laughing. That meant Autumn started laughing. The Pharaoh started making a noise which was a mixture of snorting and coughing, he was laughing. Of course smoke poured from his nostrils when he did this, all over Ari.

Autumn laughed even harder.

Sorry it's short  :) I just looked at the last chapters comments and there are some amazing descriptions. Most of them will be included over time but possibly not for a while - We still need to get to the place Eragon is in :)

What do you thing of the cover? Should I tweak it a bit?

Love you guys <3

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