What is Going on With Me?

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Bold= Vader

Italics= ???

Bold + Italics= Both of them

Kill him

Let me kill him

Use your anger and let me KILL HIM!!!.
Anakin was confused. He kept hearing two separate voices in his head as he watched Palpatine speak during the Festival of Lights. He could feel the cold air coming from the dark side within Palpatine. Anakin knew he couldn't do anything about it but, the voices were so loud.

Everything sounded louder, felt stronger, he could see things he never noticed before. The simple way people awkwardly shuffled around each other, each sound Palpatine made when speaking felt clearer.

But nothing was louder than the voices. One sounded like he did when he was around nineteen to twenty years old. But the other sounded horrible. It was the voice he hated. The voice that showed fear in the hearts of everyone.

*Koh* *Ker*

He could still hear the mechanical breathing from that awful death trap of a suit. He could feel the anger from it. It was as if Vader was his own person inside of Anakin's head. The other was so familiar and yet it was so unknown. He recognized the person, the voice, everything. He knew everything except for its name. Anakin noticed how everyone's attention was on Palpatine and used it as a way to slip away from the crowds of people and used the force to guide him to a private place.

He was now back in the basements of the palace. Everything was quiet now. He needed to now what the figures name was but when he asked it, no one responded to it. Except for the other.

His name is deep within your memories. However if you wish to find its name you must face your worst memories.

What memories could Vader have been talking about? Anakin had a lot of bad memories and few good ones. Anakin had been sitting down in a meditation pose when he felt himself get pulled back from his own eyes to meet darkness.

When Anakin woke up again he was somewhere else. He was awake but not awake. He was watching his mother sit next to him on a medical bed inside of the Naboo Royal Palace. He recognized it from when he first came back to this time.

He watched his pregnant mother hold his hand and whisper little stories about him to his baby sister. Shmi spoke about him like he was the greatest thing to happen to her. She spoke with love Anakin felt he was undeserving of. Anakin watched while tears rolled down his face, not realizing there were two figures watching from behind him. One with a hood over his head barely covering his sith golden eyes that looked almost red, and the other wearing a padawan braid. But the most important thing about the two of them was what face they wore and the way they watched Anakin Skywalker cry at his mother's unconditional love for her son.

While Anakin was crying he began to notice what he looked like. He saw his old glove from the clone wars. He could feel his long hair and scar down his eye. Anakin turned around to see Vader and the unknown figure.

Welcome to your mind Skywalker.

My mind?

Yes. Here you are able to either create a place to stay while resting or you can see outside of yourself.

Follow us Skywalker.

As Anakin walked around the palace of Naboo he wandered into the the dining room of the palace to see Palpatine, Amidala, Naboo's royal handmaidens in disguise, delegates, and outsiders dining and partying. He watched how the handmaidens spoke with delegates and people who were there because of their money, name, and fame. Anakin was disgusted by it all. He could hear men trying to seduce women, women trying to seduce men, and he could see the fake political grins and actions. He could see them all pretend to care about their families and other people, put Anakin knew the truth, he knew how little they cared about people other than themselves.

Anakin watched a married man chasing around a woman. He was willing to give up his marriage for one night. Anakin sneered in disgust.

I would love to kill so many people in this room. I can't do that if you do not give me control however.


Yes, but that is not the important thing. In this existence you would be able to kill someone, however you will be kicked out of this area in the process. You would simply go unconscious until you wake up.

Since you are not strong enough in this power you will not be able to kill someone strong enough to withstand it. You will most likely not be able to kill Palpatine without training until you are around the age you were before you came back.

Why would I want to kill anyone? I hate a lot of people in this room but, I would touch the dark side again.

There is nothing wrong with using the dark side Skywalker. You must do it to stop Sidious. Now do as we say and you will make your next step to balance.

Now hold out your hand toward the person you want to kill, concentrate on their nerves and heart, and when you feel the nerves hit the brain, use the force to snap their nerves and cause a fatal heart attack like motion.

Anakin held up his hand towards a man who he recognized from the clone wars. He wasn't very old, he was in his thirties. But he remembered killing him as Vader when he saw him selling off his people as slaves for money to live in his penthouse on Coruscant. As Anakin felt the nerves moving he waited, and as he felt the nerves hit the brain he reached into the force and all went dark and quiet. In the Naboo dining room, however, Senator Kodo Karaay fell flat on his face as blood poured out from his head and his heart stopped beating.

People began screaming bloody murder and Naboo royal guards quickly began to check for a shooter or murderer, only to discover there was no one to blame and nothing to see what happened to him.

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