Part 2

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"What went on last night..? I didn't feel like myself when sleep took over."

I glanced at my right hand, discovering a small red bite mark whose origin eluded me, brushing it off, I pushed through the morning routine, driven by the need to reach class punctually, as I navigated the corridor, lingering mist patches added an ethereal touch to the atmosphere, a gentle breeze accompanied my steps, prompting intermittent pauses.

Exhaling deeply, I couldn't pinpoint the cause, it was like a sigh without a clear reason, it was as if I had landed on a planet with a slightly altered gravitational pull, an unspoken shift in my surroundings.

"I stepped outside, hooray for me! now, weekdays, let's see that speedy cha-cha, zoom away!"

It really happened, and the expected day finally came.

Every Thursday evening, I'd follow my routine of taking a leisurely walk through the neighborhood, heading to a house I rarely visited, my family interactions were brief and limited to once a week, I felt detached due to my dislike for constraints that seemed to surround me, I often found myself as a solitary figure, lost in my own world, my room became my sanctuary, offering refuge from the external pressures.

It was one of those nights when I relished the late hours, since everyone was asleep at that time, I, as usual, would remain in my room in complete silence, avoiding any loud noises or disruptive disturbances, I would immerse myself in activities I enjoyed, a form of bliss that I once believed to be true happiness, or perhaps, back then, I was oblivious to the genuine meaning of true happiness.

"Sweetheart, it seems like forever since I caught a glimpse of your face in these few minutes you've been away from the computer." My voice couldn't resist breaking the silence of the night.

I saw myself as a mature and content young man, despite others labeling me as reclusive and trivial, I'd daydream about the embraces and tender touches our bodies shared, but seriously, screw those lectures and classes that diverted me from my dreams with my beloved B!

"My berry, during exams, I got caught up, couldn't really focus on editing your pictures or fully dive into my creative zone, the one that connects me with you."

I chatted with myself, sounding pretty foolish, smiling as I browsed through the pictures and delved deeper into what I loved, this persona truly and will always remain a source of inspiration and motivation for me to achieve something I'm proud of, what makes me even prouder is knowing that I worked on something I love and enjoyed all the time, that's why I've always asked myself, would my life have remained the same if I hadn't met her? would I still be happy, content, and accomplished without her in my life? I'm undoubtedly a successful and accomplished person, but not in the same way and manner as when there is someone in my life who motivates me, despite feeling down from annoying people, frustrated by challenges, and bored with the routine.

Just the thought of the overwhelming responsibilities that sometimes tear at my love for them makes me wish for death, I despise the pressure of studies, work, and even social gatherings, but I've made a decision to change my lifestyle with some superficial choices that could leave a positive impact, such as acquiring new skills in an advanced educational framework, this meant a new routine, limited time, new people, and a new department.

I let my body sink into the bed and lay on it, exhaling in exhaustion, in the morning, I ensured I was the first one to wake up so I could slip out and not return until the evening, spending more time with people outside, these attempts to integrate myself with the outside world were just as exhausting as the road leading to the department.

I asked an old friend to join me on my tour so I wouldn't be alone, and he said yes right away, he's really smart and quick to grasp things, which made me a bit jealous because he's better than me and many others, still he decided to study in the same department as me.

We roamed around together, and we even popped into the library, I grabbed the latest edition of a book in my field to help me with symbols and summaries for class, just like the professor asked.

This buddy of mine shared all of my interests and tastes, which was different from the rest, talking to him was easy, but like with others, we weren't super close, it's just that I'm a bit mysterious and introverted, hesitant to let anyone too deep into my life.

"How's your department treating you in terms of studies?"

He inquired as we stopped at a crossroads, where he grabbed some coffee, I thought for a moment, stirring my coffee, my current academic life wasn't much different from before, so essentially, nothing had changed.

"Studying is just plain and dull." I replied, he chuckled, leaning back with his head in his hands, looking at me.

"You're consistent, aren't you? don't you have time to spice things up a bit?" He asked, laughing, and I looked at him in surprise.

"Why change anything? my life's been simple and comfortably peaceful, I've only focused on working hard to better myself and doing what I love." I explained, with Bela on my mind.

"I mean, enjoying life, even just once, maybe finding someone special or breaking your rules for a night, like trying a drink or staying out late with friends, you only live once, and you might regret missing these small moments in the future."

"Now you're leading me astray." I playfully teased.

"I'm just saying, I'm not forcing you to do anything."

I nodded, getting his point, he was right, but it didn't quite match my personality, how could I try things I was scared of?

"I'm not sure." I sighed, uncertain.

We kept chatting about random stuff, me brushing off his wandering ideas, I'm a determined guy with a unique perspective, and his view of me is off the mark.

"Where did your mind wander off to again?"

"I just remembered I need to check the department's schedule to make sure I don't miss any classes." I sighed in frustration. "I have no desire to walk long distances for the return trip."

"Don't worry, I have a copy of it and you can take it." He extended the schedule sheet toward me.

I scanned the class times and observed that the particular subject only had classes twice a week, with no professor's name specified.

"Why are all the professors' names listed except for this one?"

"I believe her name starts with a 'B'."

A soft smile touched my lips, and I couldn't help but chuckle. "Seems like a very special name?"

"I don't know, she seems fluent and smart, and I can't determine her country or place of residence."

My heart skipped a beat as I entertained other possibilities, even the absurd ones, that felt oddly close to the reality I was living.

"W-what does she look like?"

"Why are you bringing her up again? I already said I don't know much about her, I just heard her name."

"I'll meet her on Saturday morning for a study session in her department."

"Be careful, I've heard she has a way of making her students feel intimidated when they meet her gaze."

"She seems like a strong woman with a surprising demeanor."

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