Part 13

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One lovely evening, when the day was winding down, I went with Bela to a calm and quiet spot, the sky was a soft shade of gray, creating a peaceful atmosphere that seemed just right for both of us, as we stood there, Bela glanced at me, wearing a wide and cheerful smile, the silence enveloped the entire place, making it feel serene and tranquil.

In that quiet moment, something suddenly sparked in my memory.

Even though I was feeling quite tense, I couldn't help but remember the day we visited the river together, Bela had told me it was her special, secret place, and because we were in a relationship, she had shared it with me so we could enjoy moments together, that spot held significance for both of us, and she had made it clear that I could ask for anything I wanted while we were there.

I had asked her to keep my request in mind, and she agreed, now was the moment I could finally make my wish, I wanted to ask her to stay with me in a spot where I felt truly at ease and where her presence meant everything to me, I knew deep down that Bela loved me dearly and wouldn't ever hurt me, whenever she made a promise, she always kept it without fail.

"I can bring you to countless places where we'll witness the beauty of sunsets and bask in the glow of moonlight every single day, I'll even gaze upon the stars with you if that's what you desire, I'll make sure you lack nothing, you won't have to seek anyone else, if you wish, I'll take you to the moon itself, and I'll even purchase a star and give it your name, I'd go to great lengths, even conquer the entire world if it meant fulfilling your dreams."

I was nervous and didn't know what to say, I felt like I was pleading with her, and I hadn't even told her that I'd agree to anything just to be with her and live a portion of my life with her, she looked at me, concern in her gaze once more, she held my anxious hands between her warm palms, and Bela fell silent, her beautiful smile brightening the moment.

"Take a deep breath and share with me what's troubling you."

I calmed down, but my heart didn't, I took a deep breath, but my heart still raced, I attempted to gather my words, but words got lost when they met the beauty of her face, face to face, I took another deep breath.

I rallied my inner strength, affirming firmly. "I have the courage to speak up and tell her!"

I sighed and looked directly into her radiant eyes, the color of which I adored.

"Do you recall the question I've asked before? why is it that you feel a connection with me out of all the humans?"

She looked at me for a moment, then nodded.

"I know the answer, Bela." I nodded to confirm her statement.

I continued, her curious gaze resembling my own when I posed my endless questions, my feelings tingled with curiosity, I could express the curiosity of my emotions just as she had done all this time.

"Because you never lost hope in me." I said, and her golden eyes widened, leaving my feelings awestruck. "When I confessed that I couldn't imagine letting you go under any circumstance, you grasped my hand and erased any obstacle that could ever come between us, because you showed me how to soar, and because you embraced every flaw destiny bestowed upon me until I felt whole, you taught me that our disparities define us and that I'm human, capable of feeling!"

Bela remained silent for a moment, and I waited for her to speak, she didn't, and she watched me in silence, fear crept back in, had I done something wrong? did my words bother her or come across as trivial?

"I didn't need words, I needed to leave you to realize more and be sure that I desire you by my side, that we share the same feelings, desires, and opinions together."

Her words were accompanied by a smile as she leaned in and pressed her soft lips against my cheek, leaving a tender sensation.

"I don't feel worthy of my angel, she doesn't belong to me, she belongs among the skies, and I couldn't offer her the entire sky."


As Bela whispered, the shadows in my mind dispersed, transforming my world into a rosy hue, the way she utters my name holds an enchanting power, shaping my emotions into a spellbinding expression, I'm someone who treasures his feelings, all thanks to the presence of my beloved.

"Draga mea, I..."

Once more, Bela spoke, causing my cheeks to flush, it seemed she found joy in my blushing expression, this girl, with her endearing actions, truly embodies adorableness.

"I'm at a loss for words, unable to find the right ones to express myself, they seem to have slipped away." Bela murmured.

I love hearing her voice from her lips, every word she speaks is so graceful that I envy each one, my lips feel envious because they have the privilege of kissing hers, just like her fingers, which tenderly caress me, stir a sense of longing, above all, I feel fortunate and envious of myself for having someone as wonderful as Bela in my life.

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