Part 1

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"Mother, I can't sleep..."

"To beat insomnia, put on earphones, take a calming walk while enjoying music, get ready for bed as tomorrow's a school day with support in your specialized subjects."

"You got it wrong, I'm not suffering from insomnia, and I'm not avoiding tomorrow because of class, I just... can't silence this persistent voice in my ear that won't let me be."

"What do you mean by that?"

"It's unsettling and maybe even unnerving to admit, there's this eerie girl whispering my name persistently in the dead of night, her voice inches closer, unyielding, as if she craves something from me."

"Who is she, and why are you the sole audience to this haunting feminine echo?"

"I'm clueless, do I have something special that attracts her? like my blood, my appearance, or even my aura?"

"Don't spook me, don't make me think our house has ghosts."

"But it's true, this happens repeatedly, mostly at night."

"Consider whether your constant retreat to your room fuels the energy around you."

"No matter, I'll grab a light dinner, spend some time on my computer before bedtime, I've always embraced calmness, solitude, and my own world, I'm weary of how others perceive me."

"Just hit the hay early to gear up for tomorrow, it's time to expand your circle and connect with more people."

How do I open up to my mom about the eerie sensation of someone touching my back and the warm breath on my ear? how can I make her understand that a voice calls me, inching closer, making me feel trapped? despite my reluctance, I'll be on my computer before sleep, resisting the urge to shut my eyes, anticipating the elusive sleep that never seems to find me.

As I was going through my computer, a notification popped up from a site I recognized, I clicked the link, only to be confronted with a request for my personal information, urging me to fill out a form.

"Hmm, why does this website need so much info about the department I'm in?"

I began entering the details, but I got confused by the kind of information they were requesting.

"They wanted my hair color, skin color, even my blood type!? what's going on? why the intense interest in such oddly specific details?"

I hesitated briefly, but I pressed on because the website appeared reliable, providing highly specialized information about my department, doubt didn't cross my mind.

"Could this be part of some eerie experiment, or is there a mystery lurking behind it? I need to dig into this website and uncover who's pulling the strings."

While inputting my details on it, a sudden twist unfolded, my device abruptly powered down, leaving me utterly bewildered, after successfully reviving the system, I found myself plunged into an even more mystifying situation, my attempt to uncover the website's origins and decode the cryptic message proved futile, it was as if the digital entity had vanished into thin air.

In a state of puzzlement, I considered the unsettling possibility that every student in my department had received this enigmatic message, were we all tasked with revealing personal details, selecting a privileged few for some undisclosed purpose? yet an equally haunting thought lingered, what if this covert communication was meant exclusively for me? the whys and wherefores reverberated in my mind, casting shadows of uncertainty, why had the message singled me out from the entire student body? the enigma persisted, leaving me grappling with a cascade of unanswered questions.

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