Part 16

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"Good morning, my star."

I greeted her, feeling my heart flutter with pure happiness, I had begun calling her my star to convey the depth of my emotions, and I was filled with such delight that it felt like I could soar.

Bela responded to my greeting by smiling sweetly with that lovely face of hers and planting her lips passionately against mine.

My love for Bela was truly boundless.

We showered together, and she surprised me with a large variety of scented soaps, I wasn't surprised to find that most of them had the scents of peach and vanilla, as those were my favorite fragrances, Bela always studied everything that I liked, surprising me by bringing them to me, just as she had prepared the rooms for me in the castle, she was the one who gave me gifts more than anyone else, we played with water and laughed, as if our age had regressed, and we became children again, she wrapped a towel around my body, then kissed my lips repeatedly, laughing heartily.

I don't want her to feel just about me, I want her to feel everything and everyone around her, to finally change her world and be able to free herself from the prison that bound her in her previous life, a prison called the past.

Only then will I be at ease because she won't need me to feel, she will need me to feel that she's fully alive, just as I need her to breathe.

"I adore your hair, its blond hue resembles the magnificent colors of a sunset, and when it shines, it reminds me of the scent of ripe fruits when I bury my face in your precious scalp."

Once I finished caring for her hair, I planted a kiss on her scalp, she smiled at my words, feeling content and thinking about her happiness, as she had fallen in love with her man.

My love for her is pure and never toxic, and it never brings tears to either of us, she's strict and intimidating, yet at the same time, she's tender and romantic, making me feel like I belong to her.

"Let's head downstairs and fill this little stomach." I chuckled, taking Bela's hand with a playful grin.

She chuckled in response, adding. "Let me whip up some food myself."

She wanted to do something for me to stop her from overthinking and to make her happy, I nodded my head in agreement as she told me she would buy some sweets for us to enjoy together, it's funny how some people consider her a monster when all I see is a sweet girl who can't be resisted, even though she's dangerous in the eyes of many.

"Te iubesc immensely, Bela." I proudly expressed as I kissed her affectionately.

I yearn to witness you take flight and declare, 'I did it!' - using your wings to seek me out, not to sever them in my absence, my deepest wish is to liberate you from any confinement, allowing you to step out and relish the freedom and new life that awaits us in our world - just the two of us, embracing a life of joy and liberty together.

"The sun is the center of the universe, with planets revolving around it, I don't see the planets, the sun has blinded me from seeing the beauty of the other planets, the sun is me, and the planets are the world where I can't see their colors, I must see the planets, even if I see that the sun makes them unnecessary!"

I said as Bela smiled, and it seemed like my words brought her great joy, even though I couldn't see any beauty in them.

"What I love about you, is that you have no connection to selfishness, even after everything you've done for me, I've never heard you boast about anything, I see you always wanting to give me more, you've given me what I failed to give to myself, the light that leads to faith and happiness."

'You've given me your faith' I said something similar when I answered my own question, I said yesterday that I haven't lost hope in Bela, so I always feel like she's by my side.

We gazed at the sky together, and Bela made me a promise.

"One day... in the future, I'll be there with you, gazing upon the sunset, beholding the breathtaking view that enchants you, dragã."

I raised my little finger in front of her, demanding her to make a pinky promise, and she intertwined her pinky with mine.

"Keep your promises my lady, I trust you won't break them." I said earnestly.

She chuckled softly, nodding in agreement before we turned our attention back to the beautiful sunset, as the colors painted the sky, she broke the silence, sharing her thoughts.

"Daniela taught me something valuable about love, it's not only for romantic relationships, love can take many forms, I can adore a dish, a place, or even a line from a book." Bela said, smiling warmly at me.

I mirrored her smile as we watched the sunset together.

"I've encountered various forms of love, just as my little sister mentioned." Bela remarked before pausing to take a deep breath, as if to prepare herself for what she was about to share.

I reciprocated with a smile, expressing my sentiments. "My most cherished delicacy is the juice you craft with such care, the garden by the riverside, where we witness the sunset together, holds a special place in my heart, it's my favorite spot because of you, and those moments when you affirm your love for me, when you display your possessiveness and playfully tease danger, even if it involves a risk of injury, your words during those times carry such intense emotions, as profound as your gaze that often pierces through the darkness, I adore every aspect of you."

In the quiet moments, as the world stood still, I found solace in the melody of her giggles as I twirled the strands of her hair between my fingers, I kissed her lips, which still tasted like strawberries, I love her lips so much when they kiss me, Bela's scent is sweetly dangerous, and her lips taste like strawberries.

I broke the kiss and held her shoulders, then continued to speak. "I'm not done yet, I've fallen in love with Bela's star, named my feelings because it felt me and found me, I've fallen in love with an angel from another world, one with eyes like stars that shine in a dark black sky, a girl with fair, pale skin that radiates beauty, resembling the color of pure snow, making her look like a rare piece of alabaster, a girl with black lips that seem submerged in cherry but taste like apples, shining like two amethyst gems, a girl with enchanting red hair, as if she was created to arouse my senses with the scent of exquisite vanilla that wafts from her thick, luscious locks."

When I told her everything I felt about her, I thought I had spoiled myself the pleasure of hearing those words coming out of my mouth, when she learned the meaning behind each word I directed toward her, even though they were just kind words, they tickled her stomach, Bela didn't expect that words like these would mess with her mind and heart, entering her into a whirlpool where a sentence is repeated over and over until it's firmly etched in her mind forever, or that her heart would race as if she had spent six hours running without rest.

"I said I'd always be by your side, but I'm not sure I'm ready to keep that promise." I confessed, not really meaning it, I just wanted to see how she'd react if I left.

Bela replied. "You've got to take charge of your choices, don't let your choices control you!"

I didn't understand what she meant, but she was smiling as if she didn't mind me breaking my promise, I felt that her words were advice, telling me what I should do, but I didn't quite grasp it.

I can break the promise, and I have my reasons, I've spent days with her, and she promised to fulfill any request I make just to stay with me, I can break the promise, but for some reason, I don't want to break it.

"I've shared my feelings, so don't shatter your promises boy."

Her words didn't necessarily imply this promise, but for some reason, they silenced me.

"Does this mean we're done? am I not your true love anymore?" Bela asked, her eyes fixed on mine.

Silent Thirst | Bela x Male!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now