✨️(S.R) 'bells are ringing'

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They all stood behind the pews in their suits and dresses as the slow music played in the background.

Low hushed voices whispering amongst the many bodies waiting for her to come down the aisle.

Soap looked at Simon, who stood at the front hands clasped, thumb tapping nervously against the back of his opposite hand.

He was waiting on her.

The guests were endless, John Price, John 'soap' MacTavish, Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick, her mother, her father, sisters and brothers...

And Simon, her fiance.

The man stood tall at the front. keening his composure only just.

He had no mask on, no gloves, and no gear, just him in his suit and tie.

And there you were being walked down the Aisle of the church to the song you used to dance to in the rain at 2am.

The song you used to bake a midnight snack to.

The song that played when Simon realised his love for you.

The song that became his favourite.

And now here you were, being led down the aisle toward him, tears stinging the rim of his eye as he looked at you.

"It's alright,"

Everyone had told him before walking in.

"You've got this!"

They chimed, Oh, false hope, empty words, and smiles could only get a man so far.

He breathed in a shakey breath and held it for a moment.

Then he let it go as his hand was placed over the wooden frame of the box that was carried.

"You know my love..."

He whispered and looked down.

"When I pictured you coming down the aisle, I never imagined it being in a casket."

He let's his voice shake as his hands tremble above the casket you laid in.

You didn't look the same...

Your skin was pinned back, they out make-up on you that you wouldn't even wear. Your skin was pale, like it had been in a freezer, the clothes were all wrong.

Everything was wrong, and the worst one was.

They took off her ring. His ring she proposed with.

"I miss you, my love..."

Soap places his hand on Simon's shoulder, giving it a soft squeeze, and then price followed by Gaz.

Price takes her badge out of his pocket and places it upon the coffin you laid in.

Soap places a picture of you with the task force on top.

And Gaz, a poppy.

Your parents weren't around much. You had a rocky relationship, never spoke much.

But they two felt their hearts shatter as they looked at the bittersweet image of your friend.


Your chosen family standing above your body, even in these final moments they didn't want you, nor Simon to be alone through it.

And as for Simon.

He didn't chose the engagement ring to put above you.

He chose the promise ring, the ring he bought when people said it wouldn't last.

The one he bought the same night as you said you'd love him till your last breath.

And you did.

You didn't die how you thought you would.

It wasn't some heroic act during a mission or getting shot unexpectedly. It wasn't some badass story your friends could tell.

None of that.

It was simply just one hit from another reqruit.

One hit.

Everyone in the training field saw it.

The way you stumbled and lost your footing.
And the way your head hit the ground, they waited for you to get back up.

It was a heated argument.

One stupid argument.

And you were gone.

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