🎖(C.P) workaholic reversed

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Workaholic V2

Yn typed away at his computer as he did almost every night.
His e/c eyes drooping slightly every now and again. When they did, he'd take another sip of his coffee before continuing to the sentence he stopped on.

The light in the corner lit the room in an orange hue like a candle.
The star filled sky was an addition to the scenery like it was from a story.

A soft knock came from the door, though Yn took no notice of this.

His mind was too far gone into his work that he hadn't processed any other noise in the room.


A rough voice spoke up, the door creaking open just enough so the other man could peek through.
Yn still never responded to him yet again, the voice of another still not registering to his tired brain.


The man in the bucket hat raises his voice, causing the h/c haired by to flinch, and his head snapped up.


Yn questions in a groggy, slurred voice.

"Why are you up so late?" Price asked with a concerned voice, closing over the door as he slid into the room fully.

"oh, right. I'm just doing some reports before I call it a night."
Yn responded tiredly, continuing to type away, not giving Price anything more than a glance.

"Is that right?" Price shakes his head in disapproval as he struds over. He places one hand on the desk and the other on the opposite side of the chair, so it's almost touching Yn's shoulder.

"I think you've done enough tonight... it's four o'clock in the morning." He chimed in, pointing at the time on the computer.

"I'm not finished-"

"You may not be finished, but you're done. Do you even sleep anymore?"
The taller male questioned sternly, not expecting a straightforward reply.

"I scheduled a nap for next Tuesday."

This statement baffled the Captain as he looked down , studying Yn's expressions.

"Right, that's it, up."

"I'm no-"

"It wasn't a request. It was an order."

Price said firmly while pulling the chair back.
Yn reluctantly stands only a couple inches shorter than the brown haired man.


He's ordered and followed Price out of his office, not before turning off the lamp and putting on his shoes.

They walked down the corridor all the way to the barracks.

"You've got to be kidding, I don't have time-"

Price covered his mouth with his calloused hand.

"It wasn't a request."

He reminds the smaller man, Yn rolled his eyes but nodded and headed over to his bed.

"I'm going to miss my deadline."

He argued while laying down, Price chuckled and shook his head.

"No you won't."
He contradicts quietly while the others sleep.

"It's due tomorrow afternoon."

"And I'll have it done by then."

"You're not doing my-"



"Yn Ln."


"Thank you, now I'll see you in the morning, well later in the morning."

Price waved him off but not before placing a warm hand on his shoulder, muttering a 'goodnight'.


Yn muttered, his eyes heavy while he turned on his side and slid a hand under the pillow, the other resting on top of it.

However, Price heads to Yn's office and takes over the reports on the computer.

Not a word in the right place.
The paragraphs were muddled, key info missed, and a lot more than just that.

It was a bit concerning, Yn was usually detailed and efficient with work it made the man wonder just how many sleepless nights Yn had.

'I scheduled a nap for next Tuesday.'

That's something Price does...
He couldn't imagine one of his soldiers not looking after themselves.

It truly baffled him.

Made him feel a bit irresponsible for not noticing beforehand.

"What am I going to do with my men."

He asked himself while erasing the work Yn had done and redoing it himself.

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