♡Price headcannons♡

137 7 7

A/n - my opinion, if yours is different, don't express it in a rude way.
Let's just have a chat in the comments and be civil :>  

John P

• Odd socks 100%

• He's grumpy often (he's a full-time, overworked military captain)

• Love language he gives? Acts of service and affirmations

• Love language he likes? Physical touch, he loves hand holding, random hugs from behind in the morning. You CANNOT change my mind

• Stands with arms crossed or thumbs tucked in his waist banned

• Full on, dad sneezes, im talking earth shaking sneezes

• 'Darling' 'my love' 'sweetheart' Y'know ?!?!

• Random head kisses in the morning

• Will NOT let you get out of bed before he cuddles with you first

• Prefers sun over rain

• Insecure about his age (You look great, John, calm)

• He cooks when he's off work

• Princess/prince treatment? Yes.

• Collection of his bucket hats are all the exact same colour, brand, material

• Absolutely hates people touching his feet (will kick you in the face if you tickle them)

• Will tell you to give his number out to people who ask for yours

• Man, rocks cargo shorts

• Will sleep in nothing but grey joggers

• Nightmares? Of course

• Will smoke out the house only

• Knows how to line dance

• Will talk about the Task force like they're his family

• Invites them to thanks giving (and Ghost on Christmas adopted son vibes Y'know?)

• Does tend to stress and snap sometimes when doing office work, but will apologise and absolutely wouldn't gaslight or blame you

• Big on intimacy other than sex, talking baths together, showers, massages (equal attention), deep conversations, laying on the sofa listening to each others stories

• Will have arguments about him being away, but it's only because yall miss each other

• Acknowledges when he's wrong

• Will look after the drinks if you or your friends want to dance

• Sometimes, I ask for space but assure you it's not because of you

• Sometimes, slamming doors, loud bangs, and screaming make him panic 

(I'm working  on one shots, but I'm currently brainless)

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