Simon Riley Headcannons

184 7 10

- Usually has a mask for every day of the week and fixes them at home 

- doesn't like physical touch but he'll allow small gestures (hand in his pocket, holding his finger, a short kiss, arm around him when in bed)

- will not allow anyone to make his tea, they don't do it right (soap put water in before the tea bag and he went on a verbal rampage about how to make a proper cuppa)

- Loves dogs, he got you one and names it Riley so it can protect you when he's not there

- he'll never hit you (idc what people say) He'll yell and probably storm off instead of hitting you. 

- He's not a toxic, controlling manipulator like most think, he's toxic in the sense he doesn't really know it, like emotionally unavailable, shuts down when upset, get's mad so he isn't sad sort of toxic. (you ain't changing my mind, man wouldn't be in the military if he was that unhinged like people make out he is)

- if you had kids with him he'd be absolutely terrified, he'd consider leaving but he'd stay 

- would definitely take their remote control cars to play with at Christmas. 

- neat freak, he likes the house to be completely clean.

- he'd probably think women should be at home because of his dad but he's trying to correct his bad habits

- stares daggers into any man that approaches you IF he get's a bad feeling, he'd just be cautious of a seemingly nice man, he knows how cruel men can be and he wouldn't want to leave you with a stranger

- sometimes he gets mad over small things like too much touching, or tripping over the dog.

- wears his balaclava sometimes when he's having a bad day with nightmares and memories 

- love language he give - acts of service and quality time 

- love language he likes - words of affirmation (im proud of you, I appreciate when you... you make me happy etc)

- 'accidentally' forgets his favorite hoodie (he'll even spray it with cologne before he leaves)

- small note if he leaves early, he doesn't want to wake you

- he's a stomper using stairs, full on elephant stomps 

- he'll have rare moments where he wants a hug or cuddles 

- he's the cook since he's picky about what he eats. 

- doesn't really like being in pictures but will be your personal photographer (he wants the pictures on his phone)

- invites soap round to the house sometimes but will always ask if its okay beforehand.

- even if not married he'll always introduce you as his wife, he's dating to marry. 

- loves when he gets a massage when he comes home and appreciates you asking before hand to touch him

- will be skeptical of saying he loves  you, since in his experience it only leads to bad things happening so he shows it instead 

- can imagine him being asexual (not a big fan of sexual intimacy but rarely will)

- loves ice cream, doesn't tell anyone but you KNOW. 

- goes on early runs or walks with the dog 

- doesn't really drink but will have one with a meal if you're having 

- more talkative late at night 

- does not know how to comfort you with words so he will hold you and wipe your tears away

- reluctant to apologize but he will with your favorite snack (who needs flowers when you have food??)  

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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