(c.p) Alligations.

250 6 8

TW; torture, physical harm, blood mention

The cuffs rattle while bound to the chair she sat on, slowly opening her eyes as her head throbs and muscles ache torturingly while her face felt like it had been hit by a truck.
And her memory... it was a haze.

"Fianlly awake." A voice stated, it was rough, low, and so familiar but the tone? It's completely different.

It dripped posion, mallous, rid of the softness it once had before.
"Price..." Yn whispered tiredly, trying to adjust to their lack of vision through a swollen eye."Is that you..." She whipered.

Slightly panicked from the unrecognisable surroundings.

"Can you get me out... please?" Yn pleaded while pulling forward to try loosening the cuffs around her wrists.
The feeling of a thick, slow dripping liquid sliding down her forehead was pretty alarming.

Another voice called out, Yn coughed violently as she went to speak again, their head spinning as did the room and the bodies in front of her.

"Are you trying to push my buttons, Yn? because you're doing a damn good job at it! Now tell us what you did. Admit what you did!"
The man yells, his eyes cold and angry, boreing into her sole as she stared back at them, a wave of fear crashing through her body, almost enough to numb the extruciating pain she was in.

"I...I don't know what... I didn't do anything... What are... why..?" Yn panted in fear as she continued to try and pull herself out of the restraints.

Price leaned closer and grabbed her chin in a harsh and painful grip, forcing the female to hold eye contact.

"Bullshit." He bellowed, his tone not shifting once.

Yn went to speak again but instead only yelped as a fist collided with her cheek. The sickening sound of a bone crack filled the room, joint with Yn's pained cries.

Soap and Ghost just watched from the side at this point, Soap almost wincing at the sound of this, but he's seen it too many times to actually give a toss.

And Ghost? Well, nothing fazes that, man, does it?"

"You really deserve an Oscar for this performance, Doll! But it won't fly with me, i'll break every bone in your goddamn body if you don't tell me what you did and what you know!" Price was starting to get pissed off now.

All their history, all the love he gave her, and for what.

A betrayal.
A knife in the back?!

Yn only managed a groan as tears slid down her cheeks.

She coughed a few times before taking deep breaths. "I don't... I don't understand.." she whispered painfully."I didn't do anything... please, Price..."

She muttered, voice barely audible now.

"Stop lying! You're the mole! Admit it, Yn!"

He's screaming now, causing yn's headache to worsen with every word he spoke.
She groaned again and sobbed, trying to get her words out, but he wouldn't believe her.

Who would set her up, and why wouldn't he listen?

"I didn't... Listen... please"

Yn begged of him, another hit to the face "Liar" He practically growled.

"Tell me the truth! You owe me that much, Yn!"

"I didn't-!"
"Admit it."
"Price ple-"
"Tell me the truth!"

Yn lunged forward, insuring her face was only inches away from Price's as tears streamed down her puffy cheeks.

"I didn't do anything! Why won't you believe me! Why doesn't anyone believe me?!"

"All the evidence is directed at you, so don't sit there and lie to me!"

Price yelled back, getting in her face now

Yn coughed again, wincing at the pain in her ribs and face. It was too much. She was so tired, so sore...


Yn whispered, a hand grabbed a fist full of her h/c hair and forced her head up. She didn't even realise it dropped.

"Price, please don't... Price."

She begged and choked on her tears, her pleas soon replaced with whailing and screams as his fist collided with her face repeatedly.

His boot clashed against her ribs, and the chair slammed backwards.

"Tell me."

He demanded and got his dagger from his pocket.

Yn sobbed and choked a little bit on the blood, running down the back of her throat.
Her face had gone from s/t skin to black, blue,
and red.

He gestures to Ghost to undo the cuffs. She couldn't go anywhere if she wanted to.

Ghost done as told and Yn didn't even attempt to move, her body was far too sore to do any of that crap.

She shuddered at the cold blade on her throat as Price pushed it a little harder.

"Admit it Yn."

He repeated.

Yn hadn't replied to him, she didn't really see the point in arguing anymore.

A knock on the door interrupted Price going any further, he sighed deeply before standing up from his crouched position, he walked over to the door, Yn's body gave way and she fell unconsious, hitting the cold, hard floor

Soap and Ghost joined Price, just stepping over her abused body.

"What is it, we're in the middle of something."

Price snapped and rolled his eyes at the soldier.

"Uhm well, we just found out that uhm Yn had been... framed"

The soldier stammered.

Price stopped everything, hell he even felt his breath stop for a moment or more.


Ghost spoke up firmly for Price.
Soap was already staring at Yn's beaten body on the floor.


Price whispered and looked at Yn, the three soldiers felt their hearts sink and their stomachs turn as her screams filled their ears.
'I didn't do anything'

it wasn't a lie.

"Get her to the medics now, hurry up, be gentle!" Price demanded arguntly, the guilt eating away at him and consuming his thoughts.

Soap rushed over and picked her body up, she looked completely broken and every mark on her body was caused by Price, the one who promised to protect her.

To love her, and trust her.

Now she's the one that's...

"What have I done."

He muttered watching her body get rushed out of the room.

"She's going to hate me."

He finally stated with his head in his hands.

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