Allegations P.t 2 (J.P)

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The members  of the task force sat in silence in the white room, the Captain biting his nails as he stared at his partner's bruised and scrawny body. 
Broken, bruised rips, broken cheek bone, cuts over her body, busted lip.

They could all still hear the sound of the bone cracking as John's fist collided with her face.

Believe me 

Price couldn't get it out of his head, her begging him while he hurt her over and over again, he didn't listen.
He didn't even try. 

"it's not your fault-" Gaz tried to muttered to break the silent thoughts in all their heads but it completely backfired as John stared at him with a warning glare. 
It was his fault and he'd let no one tell him different. 

The room once again fell silent as the beating continued, the rise and fall of the girls chest was the only indication that she was alive, her body was far too still, she was too quiet, it ached John, rattled him to the core... 

The squad sat there for almost 2 hours before any changes happened, honestly they didn't think she'd pull through until a groan left her lips. 
She mumbled as her eyes fluttered open, the bright white room assaulted her eyes causing her to squint and adjust before moving them.

"go get the medic, tell them she's awake." Ghost ordered Soap quickly before standing up himself and heading over to the bedside. 
"Y/n? Do you hear me?"

Simon asked but Y/n hadn't look at him, she hasn't moved much more than her arm over her ribs. 
Her eyes were dull, exhausted voids of misery.


The man repeated in his deep gravelly voice as he raised his hand to shake her shoulder but her face almost immediately tilted away from him, her eyes flickering as if expecting some sort of contact.
No wonder, right?

While Simon was trying to deal with the woman and talk to her, John suddenly found the floor much more interesting than the gaze of his lover, he couldn't look at her without feeling his stomach churn.
All they injuries...

He did that and as much as he wanted to, he couldn't wrap his head around how. 
All the evidence was there, how could he get it so wrong?

"Can we all step out of the room?" A female asked from the door, dragging John out of his own thoughts.

"I think I'll stay..." He muttered as more of a demand than a request 

The nurse frowned before shaking her head "Your presence isn't required, I need to speak with miss L/n alone so I can get a accurate assessment in which isn't affected by your presence, now leave please, Mr Price." The nurse was firm and straight to the point. 

The man hesitated before nodding in silence and heading out of the room with the rest of the team, everyone sat down while their Captain paced back and forth tapping his thumb against his lip anxiously, he was about to burst with rage that was only targeted at himself and that scumbag who set Y/n up.

With the nurse, she smiled sympathetically at the women on the bed "Mind if I sit?" She asked, tone stripping down to a soft, gentle question, nothing like how she spoke to the Captain.
However Y/n didn't reply verbally, she simply nodded and stared ahead of herself.

"Thank you, my names Anne," The blonde spoke "I understand that this was... A misunderstanding? Tell me, can you hear me clearly?"
"that's good, can you see my hand if I wave it like this?"
"Kind of... blurry" 
"in both eyes?"
"I see, the damage to your face might have affected your vision, we'll know more throughout your recovery, right now you've got a broken cheekbone, bruised ribs, two broken, and one fractured or just badly bruised, we're treating your bruises and cuts the best we can, and I'm going to put you on liquidized foods only for now."

The nurse listed while writing down in her notes.

"How much pain are you in?" Anne asked while staring at the female, you looked like just a shell of her previous self. 
Like a injured deer instead of the independent woman she once was. 


Y/n replied, her voice was slightly slurred since it was sore to talk with her face swollen, but only an idiot wouldn't be able to tell that her word dripped sarcasm. 

"A lot, I'll get you some pain killers prescribed,"

The nurse quickly finished up and said she'd be back in roughly an hour to check on her, once she left Y/n closed her eyes tiredly while replaying the moments from last night.
The look on John's face, she has never seen it before. 

She understood that he had a job to do, he was a Captain but she couldn't understand was not confronting her before beating her to a pulp and how he didn't even listen to her pleas.


There it was... him 

y/n opened her eyes and gazed over at him, her eyes were almost void of anything but betrayal and hurt. 
All she could think was why.

it didn't matter that she already knew she was framed, they must've figured that out after she fell on conscious.
John stepped inside and went to take a seat next to her bedside but as soon as he saw her tense reaction to him just being in the room, he stopped himself from moving any further. 

"I'm so... sorry"
His voice was laced with guilt and remorse, he was devastated with his own actions, his own lack of trust. 
"The evidence... it's all I could think about... It all pointed to you..." He tried to excuse his actions but he knew full well he was fooling himself right now.

"I begged you"
Y/n muttered through her busted teeth, her E/c eyes staring up at him, he could see it, the pain, the betrayal, the agony and the fear. 

"I know, I'm sorry, I am so sorry I should have checked, I should have done it properly, I should have listened to you, I'm so sorry"

Price apologized as he tried to stay composed but y/n can tell heh had been through hell, more than. 
But she couldn't look at him the same.

No, she felt rage, an undeniable amount of rage and betrayal. 

(I'm tempted to make a whole ass book dedicated to this oneshot)

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