🥀(S.R) under the rubble

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Yn callsign; thumper. (Explination at end.)

It was a simple mission.

Easy, in and out without any problems.
Gather info undetected and get back with what they had.

Nothing could go wrong.
Nothing was supposed to go wrong.


And it wasn't.
Ghost and Thumper stood in the darkness, hidden out of sight listening together.
Ghost's body practically shielding Thumper from being spotted with the height and muscular difference between them.

Not that Thumper was weak and scrawny, but they were certainly not as big as ghost.


During the mission, they were detected somehow.
With the lack of information the pair had, they were diving into the unknown.

They tried to get out.

They tried.

But shouting turned into gunfire, gunfire turned into explosives and explosive turned the building to rubble.

And that's where they were now.

"We were... so... close..."

Yn wheezed from under the rubble, a slab pushing against their chest almost crushing them.

"Don't speak, Thumper don't speak."

Ghost warned as he crouches next to them, he was the lucky one.
Cuts and bruises, nothing more than that.

"It... hurts."

They coughed, their small hand on the slab, not moving it, not even daring to shift it an inch.

"I know... I know." Ghost sympathised "just stay awake... they'll come find us.. the medevac is on their way."

He reassured, lighting a candle of hope in Yn.

"That's... that's good..."

They breathed a sigh of relief, though they can barely get enough oxygen back in their lungs without effort.

"Just... just focus on breathing... stay awake, Thumper, stay awake."

The man ordered softly, more of a plea than a demand.

He takes off his skull printed glove, taking their bruised hand into his larger, more masculine hand.

"I've got you, we'll get out of this"


Yn replied tiredly, the crimson liquid trickling down their head.
Their breath shallow and slow.

"Grip my hand, Thumper, don't speak, but I need to know you're with me."

He asked but they didn't bother.

"Thumper, grip my hand come on."

He pleas.

They squeeze it just a little, their eyes feel droopy, body draining from energy.

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