🥀S.R Take me back

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(Bells are ringing pt.2)

It was late at night, or early in the morning...

Who cares, right?

Because here, Simon was sitting down in the graveyard 2 years later after your funeral.

The same heavy heart.
The same empty eyes.
The same pain.

The only thing different was your name on a headstone while you were 6ft under.

He couldn't reach you. He couldn't dig to drag you out and shake you alive.

It wasn't possible.

He took out a small plastic case from his box and opened it before placing one cupcake on the lid and placing a candle in it.

He took out his phone, taking out his earphones and clicking the song he wanted.

His song.
Your song.

The song you both met and danced to.
The song he was going to play at the wedding.

That song

But now the song has a different meaning.

"Happy birthday..."

He muttered, staring at the headstone with sadness and despair.

"...My love"

His voice faded into the wind and disappeared as if they had never been spoken.

The tune, the lyrics drowning out his previous thoughts, adding different ones.

Bottom lip trembling, teeth clenched, hands balled into fists and eyes flowing like a river.

'Take me back to the night we met'

Oh, how they lyrics made his stomach churn instead of filling with butterflies as it once did.

"Oh my love..."

His voice brittle as he tried to keep his sobs inside.

He missed you so much.

His shaking hand reached over to place on the gravestone with your name on it.

"I miss you so much..."

He trembled, his free hand pulling at his mask, freeing his face from the fabric.

"Please come back..."

He begged, hoping you could hear him.

"I'll look after you better,"

He promises.

Empty words, of course, not because he doesn't mean them, but because he knew it was impossible now.

"I'll never let anyone touch you... I'll step in when someone yells at you! I'll never let you go on a mission alone! I'll get you the dog you always wanted!"

Simon was screaming now as his forehead rested against the corner of the headstone.

"I promise."

He sobbed, his whole body trembling as he did so.

"Just come back to me..."

Silence filled the air.


He whispered.

The only response was a white feather falling and landing on the back of his hand between his knuckles.

He looked at it for a moment and then at the sky.

No birds.

Just rain soaking his face, mixing with the salty tears.


He whispered, he then shook his head and closed his eyes.

"I'm so sorry.."

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