🎖(C.P) workaholic

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At first, the problem didn't seem to be an obsession with work.
It came across as pressure of unrealistic expectations and hard-ass bosses.

He worked himself to the bone, insomnia holding him in a tight grip as he sat at his desk for the 17th night .


Highlight and repeat.

His fingers growing stiff, and his eyes missing important details in his work.

He's already had 6 coffees.

How many more?
He seemed to be immune to the effects of the caffeine now, it didn't help the tiredness that was tugging at his consciousness attempting to pull him slowly into the depth of sleep.

But he couldn't.

Could he?

"You should sleep,"

Yn spoke up from the now opened door.

Though she gained no response to her statement.
She stood between both sides of the doorframe shaking her head with a small sigh escaping her lips.


She states a little louder this time, no response given still.

"I have a coffee."

She tries, holding up the cup but still nothing.

Yn sighed, her bare feet cold against the hard wooden floor.
He still didn't notice her, his head was buried away in the reports he had to write.

She placed the cup down onto the desk making the man jump and turn to her.

"You should sleep, Captain.'

She tells him with a worried frown on her face.

"I'm not tired." Price argued but the circles under his eyes, the paleness of his skin and the stiffness of his fingers contradict that statement.
"I have deadlines to make."

"And you're also going to make it to an early grave if you keep working yourself into the ground like this. Now that is a deadline."

Yn argued, crossing her arms over her chest with a stern expression consuming her features.

"Aren't I meant to be the one to lecture you? Why are you up at this hour anyway?"

He attempts to steer away from the conversation.

"Don't change the subject."

She scolded, it wasn't everyday you get to scold a superior.

"I'm no-" he tried to defend and Yn cuts him off.

"You are this is the seventeenth time you've stayed up all night." She corrected with a frown.

"I need to get this done and then I'll go to sleep- what are you doing?" Price asked as Yn pulled a chair up to the desk and sat next to him.

"Making sure you do." She stated and looked at him.

They both went silent as if challenging each other, the clock ticked slowly until Price rolled his eyes.


He caved and started typing much slower than normal.
His hands were stiff and cold.

Yn watched tiredly and filled with concern for Price, he was always overworking himself and she was worried he was going to get sick because of it.

"Uh, hey, what the hell are you doing?"

He asked as Yn dragged his seat away from the desk, Price reached out to try continue typing but eventually fell off the chair with a thud as he hit the ground.

"Ah-!" He grumbled on the ground, deadpanning the female who towered over him

"That's it, you're getting some rest right now"

Yn stated firmly as Captain Price went to argue, she got a closed folder and hit him on the back of the head with them.

"No buts, no no's, no coconuts, now shift your ass.'

She demanded, her voice firm as she stood and helped him up.

"You're not my mother."

The man stated irritatedly.

"I'm aware, but I am worried for you." Yn told him, leading him to the couch in the corner of his office.

She laid him down and took off her jacket to place on him as a blanket.
Not even 5 seconds, and he was already imprisoned by the sleep he denied himself of.

"I'm not tired." Yn mocked with a soft smile before pulling up his desk chair and resting next to Price.

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