Chapter 11, Part 3: Bounce

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Warning: We gettin' grown in this one. Proceed accordingly.


"Home sweet home!" Jacqueline sang, stepping through her threshold with one leg out and an arm thrust above her head, a tribute to a birthday done right

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"Home sweet home!" Jacqueline sang, stepping through her threshold with one leg out and an arm thrust above her head, a tribute to a birthday done right. The ride from the Bronx back to Harlem had been a nice one, with Jacqueline, Michael, and Bill exchanging their favorite moments of the evening from their different vantage points. Michael enjoyed hanging onto her every word as always, watching her eyes get brighter and her hand motions mirror her words as she reflected on funny moments with her friends, and her favorite songs, and he tried to match up his glimpses of her skating by with her testimonies. Now back at her apartment, the three came shuffling her door as she cut on the lights.

"I'm sorry if it's a little messy in here, I was whisked away before I got a chance to tidy up. Can I get y'all some water or anything?" Jacqueline asked as she began setting things on her table, fretting over a couple of dresses set out on her couch, the entirety of the "mess" in question.

"I'm alright, Miss Carter. I'll be headed out in a moment, I just wanted to see to it that everyone got in safely." Bill replied, stating the obvious.

"I'm good for now too," Michael answered quietly, shoving his hands in his pockets.

"Okay, perfect. Well, Bill, thank you so much for helping with everything tonight and keeping everyone safe. You please get home safe." Jacqueline said, reaching out to give the bodyguard a brief but grateful hug, before turning to gather up the dresses on the couch. "Michael, would you excuse me for a moment and lock up the apartment? I want to put these away and get out of this jumpsuit. I won't be longer than a few minutes."

"No problem, take your time."

"Perfect! Goodnight again, Bill!" she chirped as she scurried off to the back to tend to her household business. Once alone, Michael turned to his loyal bodyguard, his words coming out soft and unsure.

"I can call ya in a couple of hours, I know I've got a recording session for the movie tomorrow and I don't wanna be late. I can be up at 6:30 or I can just stay up at this point, I'm sure she'll let me use her shower, and if you bring me some cloth-"

"Michael, relax," Bill said, a warm chuckle slipping from under his breath as he handed Michael a small leather bag he had brought up from the car. "Here is a change of clothes and a few toiletries so you can freshen up. I'm coming to get you in the morning around 8 so you have plenty of time to rest and get ready and not worry about your session. Sound good, son?"

"Yeah, that sounds good." the Virgo answered, feeling relief that someone had at least nailed down a plan because he surely hadn't thought this far ahead.

"I know it sounds good," Bill said, his chuckling increasing in volume as he patted Michael on his shoulder. "I've been telling you since you were little, you don't have to do my job for me. I got you, Mike. You just take a deep breath and focus on your girl, alright?"

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