Chapter 12, Part 1 - Find Me A Girl

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October 11, 1977

"I think you need to wear this dress with those shoes."

"You think?"

"Either that or you need to pair those wide-leg pants you got with the top you just tried on for me and wear your leather boots."

"Donny, we have to stop brainstorming and pick something. I still have to do my hair and face."

The scene in Jacqueline's Harlem bedroom was a whirlwind of fabrics and opinions as she and her friend Donny delved into the task of assembling the perfect outfit for an A-list party at Studio 54. Amidst the chaos of thrifting finds and Jacqueline's existing wardrobe, Donny played the role of personal stylist, directing the fashion show with the finesse of a seasoned pro.

As they navigated the sea of clothing, Jacqueline couldn't help but marvel at Donny's commitment to the cause. "Just trust me, Jackie. You gave me an assignment to help you put together a bomb outfit tonight, and that's what I'm going to do, just be patient!" he assured, brandishing a dress that caught Jacqueline's attention. "Now be a dear and put this on for me."

Jacqueline rolled her eyes but obliged, grabbing the dress and stepping into the bathroom to make her next quick change, humming as the backdrop of Donna Summer's music added a touch of nostalgia to the moment, underscoring their shared love for the Queen of Disco.

"No wait, keep telling the story! What happened after he gave you the necklace?" Donny spoke, projecting his voice so she could hear him from the next room. Out of his sight, Jacqueline rolled her eyes at Donny's eagerness for the juicy details of her love life as he prodded for info.

"I may have to end the story there. It gets a little... personal." Jacqueline said, a playfulness in her voice.

"Girl shut up!" Donny responded, hopping out of the bed and running beside the bathroom door. "Are you saying what I think you're saying?"

"I'm not saying anything, Donny." she quipped, a huge smirk on her face from behind the closed door.

"Oh, you're saying plenty, Miss Thing!" Donny said with a flair, causing both of them to dissolve into giggles. "At least tell me, was it good?"

Jacqueline pulled the dress up on her shoulders and opened the door, giving him a smirk and a look that said "What do you think", causing Donny to reach out and hold her hand as they squealed in unison. Even though they had worked together a handful of times since her birthday bash, Jacqueline had been sitting on her little secret rendezvous, keeping the details in her memory, other than confessing to a prying Margeret the next day. Donny knew something was different because she was back to daydreaming and coming to work tired and rushing out of her shifts, in a way you only do when you have something, or someone, special waiting for you at home. When Jacqueline came to him requesting assistance with selecting a wardrobe for a big party, Donny knew he wouldn't leave her without getting the tea.

"It's so crazy, Donny! I've never experienced anything like it before," Jacqueline shared emphatically, squeezing Donny's hand. "He was so patient and sweet, and it felt so... incredible. It wasn't my first time, but I've never had anything like that. I didn't know what to expect from him, but he surely outdid whatever I had in mind."

"Wow, girl, this is a lot! Who knew at the start of this summer that you would wind up dating Michael fuckin' Jackson by your birthday?!?"

"I still can barely believe it. I've been seeing him more than ever since my birthday." Jacqueline confessed, going into her room to look in the mirror at the pink dress Donny had put on her. "Most of the time, we're just talking or watching movies, but we have hooked up again twice... well, technically three times."

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