Chapter 7 - A Streetcar Named Desire

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August 27th, 1977

Get 'em up, goin' down, ease on down

Get 'em up, goin' down, ease on down

Get 'em up, goin' down, ease on down

Get 'em up, get 'em up, ease on down the road

Only a month into rehearsals and Michael was already getting good and tired of hearing this trite refrain over and over. "Ease on Down" was an excellent and catchy track, but after hours and hours of running it into the ground during rehearsals, he would honestly pay not to hear it again until it was time to shoot the picture. Unfortunately, it would only be his last time hearing it for the evening as his rehearsals came to a triumphant, but late end. With a final spin and pose, claps came from the front of the room as Michael and his partner caught their breath.

"Michael, Diana, you two did an excellent job today! I know it feels like we've been running everything a lot, but everything is really coming together, and I know this is going to be a hit onscreen." choreographer Louis Johnson affirmed. "Do y'all have any questions for me? If not, I'll see you guys next week!"

"No, Louis! Today was fun, dontcha think, Michael? We're finally getting the hang of it!" Diana Ross beamed, playfully swinging her arms around Michael's shoulders with her world-renowned cheek-to-cheek smile, dangling off of him with pride. Michael blushed and slung his arms around her waist, jumping in place to match her infectious excitement.

"Alriiiiight!" he exclaimed in excited acknowledgment of their progress, both in the film and as friends. He had known Diana for almost as long as he'd been in the business; she'd introduced him to the world and opened her home to him and his brothers when they first moved to California. The history was deep and strong, and it was very special to Michael to have someone who had been around since the beginning of his professional music career as he made his first foray into film.

The pair left their embrace and went to gather up their things in the dance studio so they could head on about their business.

"Michael, how have you been enjoyin' the city? You're so grown up now, I just know you must be out there havin' your way!" the chanteuse questioned, her big round eyes looking at him with curiosity and care. Michael's trademark bashful nature lept out as he avoided eye contact, putting his dance shoes in his bag as he spoke, trying to conceal a shy smile.

"I'm trying. Been partyin', makin' friends, but I'm mostly focused on doing the best I can in this movie."

"Oh, Michael, don't you worry, you're a star in all that you do, this should be a breeze for you. It's you that should be worried about me stepping on your feet trying to keep up with your steps!"

"Diana, stop it," Michael mumbled, feeling like shrinking in her presence.

"I mean it honest, Michael! You'll see." Diana reassured, slinging her bag onto one shoulder and embracing Michael with the other arm, looking up at their embrace in the mirror. "This is special. Michael. You've come such a long way and you've turned out to be such a fine young man. It's a joy to work with you in this way finally. It's gonna be a blast."

Whatever lag in excitement about the film Michael may have been feeling evaporated as he felt Diana's body press into his side, looking up into the mirror to see a smile on her face and in her eyes. It was a known secret that Michael had been in love with Diana for as long as he could remember. Her beauty, grace, talent, and vivacious personality paired with how gracious and supportive she had been in his foundational years made for an intoxicating combination that left Michael with a serious jones. It had been easier to manage back in the day when he was in a child's place and only interacting during work-obligated social events and press. Whether due to the lack of a label holding them in each other's company by force, their choosing to be friends by will, their shared ambition to make the film great, or Michael's presence as an adult, things seemed to hold a new tone between the two.

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