part five

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Ken : All checked right? don't forget anything here ,we  can't stop plan in mid air to get your things ( said mostly looking at tae )

Tae: Do I look that dumb to you ( angry pout )

Ken: Who knows ! ( shrugged )  if we are talking about great Park Taehyung ! ( said scarcaly )

Tae: ( said pouting ) that's why I don't like u ( ken smirk )

Beak : all done ! ( said closing his suitcase )

Ken : good Be ready we are leaving in half an hour ( said going out but stoped ) Can I leave you all  alone with each other  for just thirty minute ( he asked them )

Minnie : No ! take me too oppa I don't want to be here ( tae and beak roll their eyes ) I am coming with you oppa ! ( she said and literally run behind ken )

Ken : And what about you two ! ( as one mistake and booom ! cause they are beak and tae so can't take risk)

Beak: we don't know each other !!! so you can go calmly ! ( said and glare tae  who pout )

Ken :( sigh) ok ! I am trusting you two ! !!!( more likely he question himself  then left with minnie)

Tae : So you don't know me ( pout ) Its ok ! You don't even deserve me! ( sat on bed crossing his arms )

Beak: ( make disgusted face ) Its ok you dont deserve me  ( said mimicking tae) Man! I born before you ,I deserve way too much better then a human like you !

Tae: ( glared ) Now I don't know you too ! ( beak rolled his eyes and lay on bed kicking tae with his legs )

Beak: What ! ( as tae glare him ) I am just making space for myself !!!! Go sit on flour ! Puppy ! ( tae throw a pillow on his face and left the room angrily ) angry bird ! ( he laugh at tae's angry face )

In Korea ;

Jimin: ( come downstairs after getting ready ) ( looked at kook who was busy in his phone still in messy clothes) why are you not ready till ! aren't you going to take tae from airport !? ( asked but kook didn't answer just again get busy on phone)

Jimin:( arched his eyebrow ) Why are you looking so serious hmm! did something happen ?

Kook:( looked at jimin then soften his look ) No( shook his head) nothing happen hyung !

Jimin:( place his hand on kook's forehead) You are not sick ! ( kook shook  his head sighing ) then!

Kook: Just not in mood of going anywhere hyung ! ( said and again look at his phone)

Jimin: ( took the phone from his hand ) leave this phone for a while and talk to me ! ( kook nodded looking at him) tell me what happen ! and don't dare to say that you are not in mood ! from when you have started this mood thing ! untill last night you was jumping and was so excited that tae is coming ,Now what happen !

Kook: Nothing happen hyungg( whined little as Jimin is Jimin , he know his brothers well more than they themselves and right now it was not like  kook didn't have mood it was something else )

Jimin: Are you telling me ir should I make you tell me in my way ( said sternly and kook sigh)

Kook: hyungg how you get to know everything !

Jimin: Cause I am your hyung ! I raise you ! now tell me whta happen ! ( glare him) wait did you and tae fight ? ( suspicious ) Something happen between you two ?? Or did he again did something ! huh?!

Kook:( gulp as jimin get the right point but he cant tell that tae sneak out in midnight and lost his phone ! Jimin will surely go hard on him this time and at least let tae come ! if he tell now Jimin will  get angry fast and he wont listen to anyone ) No h-hyung he didn't did anything-g ! its just ___ we had a fight ! nothing else !

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