Fifty four

545 41 8

There went a complete silence in room .For Jimin and Jungkook ..they were surprised seeing them here  ..and Jin,Hobi and Joon had nothing to say cause they themselves don't know why they are suddenly here ..Meanwhile Tae was so confused of these new people suddenly showing up in their home that he just looked at all of them with a shocked yet amused face still hiding behind Jimin .

Yoongi: Wow ..what a warm welcome Parks ? ( said with an eye roll after a few minutes of silence ..While His eyes were fixed on Tae who was hiding behind Jimin ...A chuckle left his lips seeing the little confused and scared face of Tae when he peeked from behind Of Jimin to glance at All of them )

Kook: What The hell Are You doing here !! ( frustratedly asked )  And Why Should we welcome You !!

Yoongi : Such an unmannered Boy You raised Up Jimin ( said with a bored look while Jungkook stepped down the stairs with an annoying face to launch at Yoongi ...He is surely so done with Yoongi ..The man has surely a split personality desorder or what ! None can predict what is going in his brain ..)

Jimin: Jungkook ..stop ! ( Said with a stern voice making Jungkook stop at his place sulking ) What's with this behavior ! Can we expect A normal conversation for a while !! ( he said scolding Kook while moving downstairs  holding tae's hand and taking him along With himself )

Kook: ( nervously looked back at Jimin ) Sorry hyung  ..But He-

Jimin: Shut up ( glared sharply  making Kook close his mouth immediately ) No Buts ! we aren't fighting here ! Got it !

Tae: (Giggled out silently seeing Jungkook getting scolded but put his hand on his mouth when he saw him glaring at him ) What- I did nothing Don't you dare to show me these eyes- Hyunggg see He is again scaring me ( tugged on Jimin's shirt while complaining )

Jimin: Jungkook ! ( warned with a strict voice ) Stop glaring at him !

Kook: Finee (scoffed and turned his face back to Yoongi ..who was already looking at three of them with so much adoration in his eyes  ) What are you looking at me for now ? ( crossed his arms ) And Who let You in !!

Yoongi:  What You mean Who let you in ! Who have courage to stop me anyway ! ...Btw Such a spoiled Brat ! ( shook his head making an unpleased face ) Jiminah Did you forget To give him a smack  or two while teaching him how to behave with someone older than him ? He surely don't hold any respect for ones ..( click his tongue )

Kook: Yaahh Don't Drag Hyung In this ! You don't have to talk about Hyung in our matte-

Jimin: ( smacked On Jungkook's head not so lightly ) Jungkookk! Don't Talk to hyung like that !! this is the last warning for you ! I am telling you I will deal with you badly if You again disrespect Hyung !  ( And this makes Jungkook go completely silent as he only stares at Other people present in the room ...Namjoon as usual Didn't show any concern to their Tom and Jerry fights  he is already used to ..While Jin Has taken his seat on the couch a  long time ago enjoying their drama casually  ...And Hobi was simply Giving them judging looks ..not so impressed either )

Yoongi: Wont You welcome Your brothers In your Home ?( asked while arching his brow at Jimin ) You guys look so unpleasant ..Do you not want us here ?

Jimin: No No no hyung ..It's not like that ..We were just shocked seeing you all suddenly showing up here- I mean you entry has quite took me of guard as well ( scrached his neck )

Yoongi: Come on ..Stop lying_ We didn't come out of the air ..Didn't Hobi tell You that I was coming to meet Tae ( and now he shifted his gaze at Hobi with a look saying ..he is gone if he hasn't informed them about his departure )

Hobi: What- I did tell all of them ..Don't look at me like that Yoongles ! ( crossed his arms ) But.... You didn't say that we are shifting here then how would I have told them about this blockbuster entery of our ....,when I didn't knew myself ..Its as shocking for me aseriously ! You just simply Kidnapped us here without letting us even react .

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