forty seven

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Jin: ( dramatically hugged jimin ) Oh my baby ! I am feeling so proud right now ...See over there ( Pointing toward tae who was done with his selca's and was going for a little rest before the interviews ) The shiny start over there ..My blessed eyes ! ( shook his head ) Can I just  kiss your hands for raising my brat so well-

Kook:( pulled Jimin back while glaring at Jin being aggressively done ) No ! Not my hyung !( said protectively standing infront of Jimin ) Keep your devil eyes away from My hyung ,I know you will be lovely dovely with him at first and than will also make his life hell by hitting ,scolding and making him do all your works Like you did to me ! So noo !!

Hobi:( snickered from behind ) What a joy killer !!( scoffed sending kook an handsome amount of glares ..He is still mad at Kook for that day and the thing that made him more furious was That Jungkook didn't apologize too ...that egoist brat )

Kook: ( rolled his eyes at Hobi and diverted his attention back to now a pissed Looking Jin ) Wha ! Don't look at me like that ! I am not scared of you ! I just pretend to be afraid of you all time ( crossed his arms internally waiting for a smack )

Jin: Can I please Unsee you for today ( said in a bored look )

Kook: Nope ..You don't have a choice ( said sassily )

Jin: Oh I forget there is a " hit you " Button installed in me Why didn't I get it to use today ( shook his head showing disappointment )


Hobi: Your whole existence is making me pissed off ( and there goes a Ninety angle turn ..and now all the limelight was on Hobi )

Kook: You can't stay still without Insulting me for a second 😐

Hobi: ( glare at him ) It wants insult but a fact ..anyways I will pretend to be shameless for you

Jin: You are born shameless tho

Hobi: And Now I will pretend to Not know you ! ( rolled his eyes )

Jin: HOW DARE YOU !! WHY DID YOU EVEN THINK OF THIS SAYING TO ME !! AFTER ALL THOSE SUFFERINGS I HAVE EXPERIENCED BY TAKING CARE OF YOU FOOL !! ( proceeded to hit Hobi who has already taken shelter behind Jimin ) Joonie Cone over here ,I don't wanna kill your joy pill ..Please stopp me !

Joon: Who? Chim or Hobi ? ( asked clueless of all the things as he was concentrating over his phone but snapped his head toward Jin upon hearing his name )

Jin: What The hell !! Why would I even Kill my baby ! You dumb ass ! I am talking about this annoying Sunshine !! Take him before I burn him downn

Joon: Its okay then ( shrugged and backed his attention to his phone ...priorities matter )

Hobi: Noted ...Today I was disowned By both of them ( faked a cry of misery ) Jiminee Adopt me

Jimin: ( who was all time quietly laughing at their immature fights looked at Hobi with surprised eyes ) Me ?

Hobi:( nodded his head vigorously ) Yeah You !

Kook: ( again Pulled Jimin behind him ) Yeahhhh Leave my HYungg out of it !! Why are You all Behind My Hyung !! My Hyung Is only mine !! Stayy away ( said frustratedly messing his hairs )

Jimin: Your Hair style Suffers more than I suffer daily as Your Hyung ( said suppressing his laugh )

Kook: Hyunggggg ( whined out )

Jin: ( back hugged Jimin ) My poor baby ! I can relate to you ( pulling his cheeks )

Hobi: In our case Its Opposite hyung-

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