thirty seven

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Just like a few days passed ,Tae and kook didnt talk to each other because for Tae he was angry and scared of Jungkook while Jungkook isolated himself in his room ,he would cry thinking Tae hate him and won't forgive him and to add in his misery was the thing That Tae is their step-brother,not like it did affect his love for tae but he is suddenly just too insecure and scared ,what if His biological brothers take him with them What if tae himself want to go with them ,how will he .....And the other thing he has also met the Kim brothers ,Jin ,Namjoon and Hoseok ,though he met Yoongi but he still don't know That yoongi is also a Kim .

All these things have really messed up his mind .He is feeling so distant from everyone even Jimin .And the thing was bothering Jimin so much that he ended up thinking he did wrong by telling the truth to jungkook .He would try a lot to talk to Kook that it's ok ,until he is there no one separaterate Tae from them but it looks like everything went unheard to jungkook .

Right now Jimin comes to Tae's room and saw him still awake ,playing with yoantan ,but he can tell it just by looking that his mind was somewhere else .He went toward him and set beside tae who didn't even notice .

Jimin: Tae,( called out as tae snapped toward him flinching ) Aish again zooming out !

Tae: You scared me ( whine )

Jimin: Uh_oh Is it ? ( Tae nodded his head aggressively with a slight pout ) Alright tell em whats bothering you ? why are you so gloomy ?

Tae:( shook his head ) nothing

Jimin: Lier!  ( looked at him with done face ) Is it about Kookie ? You are missing him ,right ?( chuckled)

Tae: No ! I am not ( said crossing his arms rhen looked at Jimin ) But where is he ? I merely saw him from days ,Is he still angry? ( said with slightly teary eyes )

Jimin: He In his room ,he is not angry but ( pretending to be sad )

Tae: but ?( tilted his head in confusion ) but what

Jimin: I told him that you are scared of him and also don't wanna talk to him so he decided to stay at our farm house from now on ,he would leave tomorrow-

Tae: Nooo ! I didn't- ( panicked ) Waee Hyungg Why did you say-y like that ! Now he will leav- No pleasee tell him not to go ,I am no-t angry ( tears start escaping from his eyes as rubbed his palms harshly on his cheeks to wipe them off ) I will Go and tell him To not leave ,He will li-sten to me ( said in cracked voice but firmly  and got up to leave when Jimin hold his hand and stopped him )

Jimin: But weren't you  ignoring him that you didn't even think to check on him if he is ok or not !

Tae:  Wha- wae wh-at happe-n to him ,Is he ok-k?( Jimin didn't said anything but look at him seriously ) Hyungiee tell na ( shack jimin's shoulder lightly ) hy-ungie ?

Jimin: Nothing happens to him ( sighed ) Just Don't Go to his room now  ,If you want to talk you can talk to him tomorrow ,not now he must be sleeping at this time

Tae: But-

Jimin: No Buts ! I said what I said !Do not disobey me  ( said frustrated as he stood up and turned the lights off ) You better sleep now ,its quite late

Tae: Why you're getting angry hyung- I (sniffles quietly seeing Jimin being strict with him suddenly )

Jimin : I am not getting angry ( sighs) Just don't argue about it and go to sleep ,You just got well today I don't want you to fall sick again ( saying he left room knowing well that the younger must have cried himself to sleep but he was doing for the better )

A few minutes later he checked back on tae and found him sleeping hugging the pillow with dry tear stain cheeks ,he sighed and cover him properly then left to the youngest's room

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