4. Behold a Beauty

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The door bell chimed as Satin walked out. Such a nervous child, I thought to myself. Pulling the window blinds open.

Satin could probably take on the world if only he would challenge it. I suppose I taught him that, after all my past travels then settling down.

I straightened the vest of a small wooden frame. Having Satin changed my life. For once I finally had something worth taking care of, I must have grown a little complacent within this comfortable life and rubbed that of on him.

That little flyer Satin carried awakened something in me that I thought had long faded away. I had traveled not to see the world, but to put my cloth around it and make it all the more beautiful. And what was magic if not something that literally wrapped the world. A few hours with the Emerald Priests would certainly make you think so anyways. You need that spice, that defiance in life. That example with the crown was convenient, yet I believed in it more than ever.

Wiping the front desk an idea popped into my mind. Perhaps we could travel together, a new adventure on the road.

Then a woman walked in. She had a rough shawl was more thrown than wrapped over her head where Golden curls strayed to frame her emerald green eyes. The rest of her faces was covered by a red hand fan spread open to display a golden embroidery. Completing her disguise was a thin sky blue cape, small gemstones twinkling on a purple band that spanned its cuff.

The worse part of her disguise? It did little to hide how stunning she truly was.

Beneath her accessories was an intricate ocean colored gown whose folds seemed to be the waves itself, the hue transforming into a dark purple athw higher the dress went culminating with her soft black gloves gilded gold, and it was only then that I realized it meant to mimic a night's sky. Only the fan and shawl had been truly tacked on, yet she carried herself with confidence, poised as if daring me to say something. Her eyes were curious, wandering, with just a hint of a curve betraying the smile she hid.

She looks like Nadala, I thought as the queen walked into the shop.

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