35. What it Takes to Please Papers

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"I can't sign that," Lawrence answered.

"Why not?" My voice was beginning to grow impatient with the amount of doors in my face.

An entire day had passed until I could get a hold of Hetherington again. We were in the middle of the stables. The man was inspecting repairs that had been made on the carriages and as horses neighed in stalls, the smell of mud was heavy in the air. Boys seemed to be running to and fro, something important just around each corner.

"Only members of the royal court can vouch for a new law to be passed," He continued not even looking my way as a stable boy handed him something.

Leaning against a wooden pillar I looked up at a window to the blue sky shining through, "You wouldn't happen to know anyone I could bother could you?"

That had been the missing piece of the document and as I thought about it more and more it really did seem that all this was unimportant. A few members of the Hunter's Guild want to retire. So what? It would happen eventually this was merely speeding up the process. Satin still wasn't by my side. A part of me want to walk out under that sky and start finding himself.

"I could name a few sir but I should warn you that your escapade yesterday was not unnoticed."

"Famous already? I could have told you that."

He turned to me with a serious look on his face, "Gossip tells that you have something only the queen can do. Matters of the royal court aren't my forte, but I know enough that the councilors stamp isn't the only thing that has changed in the courts processes.

I nodded, "That's good to keep in mind."

"I suggest you take someone who you can trust or at the every least order to stand by. Letter for you sir," He handed the an envelope to me before continuing his inspection.

It was a little crushed and folded with nothing special on the outside. Opening it the letter inside was thankfully intact, written in neat and clear handwriting signed by one Commander S.

Have not found boy. Will keep looking. Has the Queen heard? Send letter to camp on outskirt.

Brief and to the point, you had to respect the efficiency.

"Is it safe to a assume this is connected to your request to the queen?" Lawrence raised an eyebrow despite not even looking at me.

"Very safe," I replied before pocketing the letter.

Tracking down Travester was easy enough. Convincing him was another problem.

"Nonononononono, Never!" The fat man said as he tried to run away. He had been walking through the castles open air corridor, balancing stack of papers in his arms that he was also simultaneously trying to read. When he looked up to see me a few feet away he dropped everything and dashed to the gardens probably hoping to lose me in the maze.

The plan must have seemed sound at first if one, he hadn't tripped over his dropped papers, and two, he actually could run instead of just speed walking behind some bushes.

I paused to picked up his papers, looking up at the sky it would have been beautiful to have a picknick right now. "You haven't even heard what I have to say!" I called out.

"And I'll be outcasted as well if I do!"

"Travester please." Having already caught up and trying to hand him his papers, the accountant.

He was catching his breath, sweat pouring of hm under what little sunlight was coming through the cloud cover. "EEEH!" It looked as if he had seen a ghost and instead of taking the papers he grabbed the front of my shirt begging with a red face, "Please Mr. Peicemaker. I have a wife, two kids, and an industry that needs to stay afloat. We're all just scraping by with what little we're making. So take your reputation elsewhere."

"You once said I was untested had you not?" The challenge of trying to keep the man upright, make him stand by himself, and not drop all the papers again was not easy.

Travesters face paled, "It was jest, a joke, no insult was ever meant to be directed-"

"Help me prove myself Travester. I plan to be more than just an escort within the palace walls, to change the world for the better, all I need is a place to start."

"The others would never approve!" He sniffed. "You've basically been blacklisted with that stunt you tried with the chancellors secretary. If I go along with you now I'm done for."

"And you dance to their tune? They ask so much of you. I may be new to this game, but I've traveled enough to know when someone is being pushed around," Finally pulling him up, I pushed the papers back into his arms and fished in my pocket for a small sack that I had prepared beforehand. "I'm here to help you in more ways than just... reputation."

Adding the sack on top of the papers a single gold coin spilled out to be directly in front of Travesters nose.

He gulped, his eyes entranced on the shine of the coin. "I'm going to regret this," he whined softly.

"I have returned!" My voice announced as we entered back into the chancellors waiting room. "Alongside someone to second my request." The secretary woman was already sneering at my approach. Travester was trailing behind me carrying a box that filled his arms. "And a few other details that you seem to have omitted from your last recommendation." I finished with a smile, putting the completed document on top of the, now clean, tiny table. Travester had been an immense help in tidying up the formal request.

Gingerly, she picked up the new scroll with two fingers as if it was going to jump and bite her. Uncurling it slowly, the woman took one look from top to bottom before putting it down and readjusting her spectacles.

"We'll reschedule you for tomorrow, of course you need to have more than two signatures, and copies of your document, and the proper ink, paper, and seal."

My companions eyes were suddenly wide with surprise, "Are these new regulations?"

"Of course, the process is rigorous and being updated all the time," She replied tapping the scroll.

"Not to fear Travester, you've done enough," I said calmly picking up the document. "I'll simply have to go to plan B."

The secretary raised an eyebrow and Travester somehow opened his eyes wider, "Plan B?"

"We're going to see the queen."

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