38. Castle Magic

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The castle magician entered in a flash of light that died down as suddenly as it appeared. Spots danced in my eyes as the man's figure slowly came into focus.

Tall with a wide brimmed hat, he was draped in robes of deep dark purple that fell to pool around him. His sleeves, long and tapered, were folded on his chest and decorated with golden symbols that shimmered between the folds. Gaunt and serious, his stare was almost as intense as Casterwell's that step back, pulling Zestra away as well.

"The Hunters Guild are of vital importance to the greater magical world. To disband them is to disband the very roots of our world."

A little awestruck that the castle magician was actually a real position, I snapped back to the present situation when Travester muscled past to hand over the box. He was as white as a ghost, eyes looking into mine knowing full well he was about to abandon me and will try to reconcile later, before walking calmly out the door. The guards let him through and I had to defend myself.

"You're a wizard," I said incredulously. "You yourself should be the very advocate for this change."

Unfolding his hands to reveal snow white gloves, he shook a finger and raised his nose at me. "A display of ignorance. Do you take the Hunters as mindless beasts? These are the Dragonslayers! Wyrm hunters! Peacekeepers of the land."

"There are no more Dragons to slay."

"And I suppose in your travels you've verified that claim?" He countered while rolling his eyes.

Standing straight. I placed the box on top of a small reading table. I had to compose myself. If opposition could truly come out of thin air these days, I would needed be more prepared. "The hunters have been nothing but a nuisance as of late. I have a dozen reports of incidents around the whole city."

Casterwell stepped forward, smugness reflecting off her cold eyes, "The hunters have been stationed around the city for additional protection during the Emerald Festival. Are we to punish them for the crime of joining in the festivities?"

"No punishment is being delt here," Raising my hands, I directed the next to the queen. "The head of the Guild has personally come-"

"Velterrion," She said, softly letting go of my arm. "Let us continue this discussion on a later date." I had almost completely forgotten about them when the wizard appeared. For the first time since I met her Zestra was expressionless and present to the highest degree. The way she stood had changed and suddenly her voice was that of authority.

"Of course," The queen frowned as she looked at me, but quickly changed her target.

"And Thop," The wizard jumped in his skin while he had slowly been edging to the door. "Since our first meeting, I expect more courtesy the next time you are in my presence."

He bowed deeply, "My apologies your majesty."

The disappointment didn't sting as much as I thought it would. I've definitely felt worse, but this was still in the top ten. There was a few short seconds where everyone was just in stunned silence. Outside the room, the two guards were still waiting around for orders when the council woman tilted her head. They bowed and marched along as if nothing had happened.

I was just looking up at the ceiling wondering where it all went wrong. Travester leaving was always a possibility and still my debt for asking this of him would be greater than that small sack of coins I gave him. Casterwell and then wizard suddenly appearing were also great contenders for that disastrous moment, but I had expected more pushback honestly, the kind that involved being roughed up by guards and dragged away. No, the real moment was probably the first one. At that exact moment I became too impatient and decided to take it to the queen directly.

The worst thing about it all? None of it helped me to be even one step closer to Satin.

The wizard was jittery, touching the tips of his fingers together. "Well then..."

"Your services are done now Thopple," Casterwell said, already back as if nothing had happened. "As the Queen has ordered we are leaving."

"Answer me this Casterwell?" My voice had lost its luster and the woman turned back to raise an eyebrow at me. "Why do you do this to me? What have I done to deserve the target on my back."

"Believe it or not Velterrion, I have no ulterior motives. This is the best for the kingdom and the best for my queen. Good day," she clipped before walking away, the wizard in tow. Leaving me alone with nothing but my thoughts.

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