36. Good Intentions

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Suddenly, bursting through the double doors, Casterwell was treaded over. Her long face towered above everyone in the room.

"Velterion," She called out, but I was already turned about face and was walking away at a speed that wasn't quite running. Travester was having a hard time figuring what to do at the sudden turn of events. When Casterwells cold eyes pierced him though he was not far behind me.

"Velterion!" Casterwell tried again, picking up her indigo skirt to start chatching up. The sharp taps of her shoes on the floor echoed through the halls. She seemed to be looking around wildly for any wandering guard to command, yet was out of luck with this section being one of the more private places in the palace. Ignoring her calls I turned and twisted around corners. The princesses chambers were on the second floor and would take some time to get there and the inevitable was sure to happen.

"There is a system that runs the palace," The madam said. The inevitable actually happened sooner than expected. With her long strides she had close the distance was walking by my side and matching my pace.

"I'm still not quite part of that system yet, can you refresh me?" I said aloof. Was she part of the council? Evidently she managed more than just the ports of the city.

"To barge into the princess bedroom just to present a document is unorderly!" Her face was now a tight from that seemed to be holding back a sneer. Despite probably wanting to, she didn't make an attempt to stop me.

"It should be well within my right to visit. I just so happen to be carrying this at the same time," ame my reply, waving the scroll just out of her reach.

"What on Earth would you even gain from this?"

"It's a perfectly reasonable request," Huffed Travester who we had both left in the dust a few rooms back. "The Hunters have been a large leak in-"

The madams nose came Travesters way and he shut up immediately, clutching his box as if the world depended on it.

"What do you gain from stopping me?" Was my counter.

"The council was put in place precisely to deal with matters without the Queen."

I almost stopped in my tracts as I looked her in the eye, my mouth slightly ajar with disbelief, "Does she even know there's a council?"

We had entered into the palace's main courtroom, and I slowed down my pace just a bit as a small crowd of people were milling about the room. My dresses were still on display ever since the wedding day. I smiled at the people admiring my work yet when those in the crowd looked at us, they jumped and bowed to Casterwell instead.

"She knows that the kingdom is a precarious balancing act," Casterwell said, her icy sky-blue eyes locked onto me.

Reaching the stairwell, I was almost taking two steps at a time. Travester was now nowhere to be seen when we reached the top. Two guards were marching in uniform when we came up and though Casterwell didn't say anything to them, the look she gave was so commanding that with just a tilt of her head they instantly stopped and followed her.

I reached the princesses door first though. A hand maid standing outside of it with sleepy eyes woke up immediately at the approach of two court members and a pair of guards.

"Honestly Madam? I just want to see my wife and son again."

"Her majesty has every right to know about this and in due time, but the world is small to her eyes. Nothing you say will make her care."

A twitch of a smile came to my mouth. When barging into the room I would have to be quite jolly.

"I'll be the judge of that."

Reaching out, I knocked on the door before opening it and walking in.

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