22. Path to the Palace

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Getting to the palace was going to be tough. Since there was no way I would be flying or walking, a ride was in order. It needed to have been something within walking distance and fast, who knows how long it took me to walk all the way back home the night before, but now it was apparent that time was of the essence.

On the other hand, it needed to also be inconspicuous or big enough that I could easily hide in. The hunters were still probably looking for me, they had been quick to give chase after just seeing me beside the wizard's raven and I'd bet that they wouldn't just stop searching on a whim. That would mean that going back to the circle was a no go.

The plan that I could think of was going market with as much stealth as I could muster, search for the cart that kept up with the palace stable's hay supply, and hitch all the way inside. The market was about triple the distance of the circle, but was still nearer to than going directly to the palace. I'd known about the hay cart for a while from previous scheming with Phinion and Chris about how palace maid smuggled in lovers, it was only now though that I truly though it through and realized I had no idea what the cart even looked like. Identifying the thing could take ages and how was I even supposed to know if it was even there to begin with? Whose to say that the cart only delivered once a week? Or even a month?

Then there was the terrible thought that I had been putting off for a while. When I found dad, WHAT WAS I EVEN GOING TO DO?

There was a ginormous chance that he was locked up in a dungeon deep underground, guarded by Witch Hunters, Palace Guards, and the Sorcerers Employed by the crown. Steal a key? Too clumsy. Distract a guard? No way I'm not going to be strangled with one pinkie. Nick the lock? Don't imagine it. The palace might would have been my pick for the most secure place in the world even before I got turned into a bird. What other options did I have?

I stood and took one step, the first of far too many. Ariadnap had crawled away down the stairs leaving much to the imagination of what she did in her free time. The three starlings were eagerly watching me, waiting for more treats to snatch. A hot wind blew past as the sweltering sun cooked me. It was going to be a long day.

Suddenly a coach pulled up to the store front. At its side was an insignia of a sheathed sword balanced on a coin. It seemed to sparkle in the sun, gold popping off it as it were asking to be taken. The coachman well dressed with a long coat and a wide brimmed hat knocked on the side door and out came two burly men. They were in painted leather with thick gloves and mean identical faces. They lined up at the door, the on in front grabbed the handle and with a sharp twist snapped it clean off. Nodding to themselves at this they proceeded to kick the door down.

What had father done? I asked myself in horror as the brutes stormed inside.

The sound of smashed glass and more doors being broken inside snapped me out of my shock. This was my chance! The coachman was dozing off in his seat. Taking a few steps back, I jumped after a running start, flapping my wings lightly as to not make much sound. Miraculously, I landed on top without crashing.

Footsteps from inside started to become louder though and quickly I hugged the coach's roof to hide. The carriage was about a head taller than even these massive goons, yet the only thing I could hide behind with some thin railing and bars for luggage to be tied too. I couldn't imagine them being completely fine with a massive bird on the roof so to hiding it was.

The spot was a little compromised however with the three starlings having fluttered up to me, looking with their beady eyes with interest.

"Shoo! Shoo!" I hushed out before clamping shut when the door swung open again.

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