33. Prophecy Orb

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I was in the cave again. Somewhere a drop echoed in the cavern. Alone this time, I tried to call out if anyone was with me but my voice refused to work. Looking around the entire place was empty now except for the standing torches. Its harsh orange lights flickered making the shadows dance.
Over by the river was the bridge was something that caught my eye. The bridge was in a decrepit state, water underneath slowly eating away at the pillars making it sag. The crystal ball that had been on display was still there though now coated with dust. I walked toward it, not quite sure what compelled me and as my hand reached out, fingers inches from touching the glass, the darkness surged to engulf the ball.
As I stumbled back in surprise my cape caught onto something. A figure hooded in blue now stood where the crystal once was, the wearers face drenched in shadow and slowly pulling me toward it.
Feet running in the other direction, my own cape twisting and turning to hold me back, the seams fusing together in a chaotic unraveling, each thread twisting, pulling, tightening together.
I tried to move away, but it was as if I was running on ice, my feet sliding backwards as my heart raced for the terror that was underneath the hood. Grabbing my cape, each yank at the fabric seemed to only make it fuse faster. Less than a foot away from the figure, icy mist crawled out from beneath it to chill me. The two cloaks fused with the hood swallowing me whole.
Bracing myself, Something had to be waiting for me here in the dark. Years went by though and nothing came.

My body lurched forward as I woke up.
It seemed as if I was still in the crate. Dark with light shining through the slits in the wall where the wood didn't quite connect. The smell of damp wood was in the air, birds were chirping outside, and I was lying in what seemed to be wood shavings.
Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, the dream still lingered in mind. Everything was so vivid that my heart was still racing at the thought of being wrapped up in the hood. Inspecting myself, my cloak was still its same old normal fabric with no weird curling to pull me anywhere.
Then it hit me. I stood up with my heart thumping even harder. Hands, feet, head, hair, cloak, clothes, everything was back! My fingers were suddenly the most beautiful and interesting shapes that I could have ever imagined. Long, slender, soft, with folds and wrinkles that ended with a perfectly cut nail that was hard to see in the dim light. I kissed my hand hoping to never lose it again.
A door opened spilling light into the small shack. Blinded I held up hands to block it out. Squinting to adjust my eyes Phinion was standing in the doorway, his hair sticking out every which way and his mouth and eyes wide open in disbelief before he croaked with a broken voice, "Satin?"

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