18. Apex Predator

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Flying silently through the night, the world was beneath me and I the highest predator. Literally and figuratively.

With the Emerald Festival had come the usual overreactions from forest denizens. Assurance that the Hunters would have their eyes averted from their homes, requests on joining the human crowds in their endeavors, questions about court magicians that seemed above from all laws. It was all a little frantic, yet nothing that a Shaman's herald would complain about. This busyness simply came with the job and there was no denying that I was the best at it.

Even I felt the need to leave those responsibilities behind join partake in the hunt. The twinkling of the night sky paled in comparison to the flashes of movement that took place below. In the swaying of the leaves, squeaks in gutters, and patches of tall were prey softly snoring in a dream world that would vanish as my claws tore into them. All my senses where were heightened, maxing my potential. At that moment it seemed like I could hunt wolves.

The sweet red of a mouse was still dribbling off my beak when I spotted my next meal. The is still young, why not?

With on flap I gained even great height then tucked my wings in, straightened my tail, and went for a nose dive. A knife through the air, I soundlessly cut into the world, my goal on a windowsill. Perhaps it had fallen out of a nest or was kept close by the humans inside, it didn't matter, all the easier to snatch.

But I didn't swoop in. No, no, no, that would be too easy. Where was the excitement? The chase? I wanted it to feel my presence, struggle a little perhaps, I found that it added to the flavor of it all. At the last moment, just before getting in range of the fledgling, I caught the wind with as I expanded my wings and stealthily landed just behind it. A raven? It seemed to be shaking with its head tucked under its wings. It hadn't noticed me yet. This called for an entrance.

Scrapping the wood with one claw, a sharp ZING rang out as I held it up for inspection. "Perfect night for a feast, no?"

The raven didn't move. Deep sleeper? Nerves of steel? Paralyzed with fear? It have to up my game to get it moving then.

Walking around the prey I made sure to clack my claws against the wood. "They say owls should be silent killers, but I enjoy the chase." Then right when my form blocked the moon and cast him in my shadow I jumped closer, spreading the span of my wings at length. "Helps build an appetite," I whispered. "Unusual, you must think of me."

Still no response. There seemed to be a soft cooing sound that came from it, but it was broken between sharp breaths. Perhaps it was sick? Distressed? That wouldn't do, I couldn't afford to get sick myself. Its posture seemed to be drooping as well, as if it were struggling to hold itself up. One final push, this was too unusual for me.

"It's all part of nature really, kill or be- are you alright?"

The ravens head peaked up and even in the dimming light tears were apparent in its eyes. "Nononono..."

"Er, I-" My sigh was a heavy one. The weight of being a herald once again laid itself on me as it was evident that the bird could talk. "What's wrong?"

It was shaking ever so slightly and its words were wavering, "My father isn't here."

Owls can't frown at that moment though I wish I could. It's not impossible for a fledgling to have been raised by the father, but it is quite rare. There could have been a dozen explanations on what had happened. Saying them though wouldn't have helped though and I was in no position to offer anything either. Herald though I may be, this was beyond my duties.

"Well then." I would have to mention this to the Shaman or anyone else who was better suited for the task. How could I possibly help this poor creature by myself? "The night is dark and full of terrors, but the most terrifying presence is one we do not see. I do not know your story boy or where you father is, but hide yourself better." I turned my back to the bird and spread out my wings. "Sleep and when the songbirds sing wake up continue your search. Goodbye," I said before flying away.

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