37. Approaching Magic

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Trix and I were reading in the bedroom yet my mind was far away from the fantasy on the pages.

The emergency that Lawrence had described to me at the party was nothing more than a little sickness from the flight back from the academy. Princess Trixa was brighter than me almost every way. If she were to ever take part in the court someday, the whole country would bend over backwards to hang on her every word.

Just a little clingy is all. With her brother away and me always on royal business, there had not been much time for visits. Of course, we exchanged letters while she was there, but that was no substitution for a proper reunion. A ball should be in order. On her next birthday. It should fill the palace, fill the streets, fill the city!

Suddenly there was a rap on the door and Velterrion entered. Sharp and dashing in a black and red suit that made his dark eyes sparkle in the light. In one graceful motion I set the book down and stood up to greet him. I should have called him earlier, he hadn't even met Trix yet! But before the words could leave my lips he covered the floor in two strides, sweeping me in his arms, and planting a deep kiss on me.

His eyes were now portals into a world that trapped me in time. He smelled heavenly, lips soft as marshmallows, and warmer than an open flame. After holding me there for a few seconds, the man's cool voice whispered his lips slid to my ear, "I've missed you."

"Oh my," It was hard to even hear my own voice over the thumping of my heart. In that magical moment though it quickly dawned on me that Trixa was watching with a mouth hung open at the scene. I pushed Velt away and composed myself as I cleared my throat. "Have I been away for that long?" I said as if nothing had happened, my face as red as his clothes,

"Your majesty, forgive us for the intrusion," Casterwell said somehow pulling her face into an even tighter frown than before.

"Casterwell? Travester? What is this?"

"Hopefully an enjoyable surprise. You and the princess have been locked up in here for so long that we simply had to check you were still here and not on some grand adventure," Velterrion was digging around in his pocket.

"Well, if you were to count the stories within these books. Where did you get this darling?"

Velt had gently taken my hand and slipped a ring onto one finger. It was a ruby held fast by silver, it seemed to glow bright within as if a fire was lit inside. Understated enough to not overshadow my own gold dress, it added contrast that certainly still would have caught someone's attention and matched my husband's attire. It was perfect.

"My own personal luck," He explained lifting my hand to kiss it. "They're Gifts. The princess has been ill? Travester and Casterwell has helped me pick out things to ease the mind."

"Ease the mind," I mumbled transfixed by the gem.

My husband gently let go of me and knelt beside Trix. Travester came to stand by him. Holding a little box, he was sweating barrels as if he had just ran a marathon, but flashed a small smile to me and waved silently. The round man handed the box to Velt whose voice was as soft as a kittens purr.

"Good day Princess Trixa I married your mother."

"Hi," She answered pulling up the blanket, her eyes flitting back and forth between me and him.

Opening the box revealed a neatly folded gold dress. The princesses eyes were enamored as she reached out as if it were made of the most fragile material, "I didn't know what to get you, but maybe we could have lunch as a family someday?"

Her smile was the first one she had given ever since coming to the castle. In truth she hadn't been that ill to begin with. For a moment my eyes scrunched at the ruby. There were questions I wanted to ask at that moment. Where he had gotten these gifts? Why were Travester and Casterwell accompanying him? What had Velt been doing while I was here? All of which melted away as I saw, once again, that marrying him was the right choice.

At that moment a whimper came from the door. There, Casterwell had two guards posted outside the room and was trying to drag Travester toward them.

"We will be taking our leave now. The princess obviously still hasn't recovered from her trip."

"She looks fine to me," Trav said curiously. Casterwell was having a hard time moving him and it was as if Trav didn't notice.

Velt came back to me, an arm around my waist, hand in hand, and his breath close to mine, "My love, I have to admit not all my intentions are righteous."

"Really." I guess it was too good to be true.

"The commander of the Southern Hunters Guild has approached me with a plea."

Caster was as angry as I've ever seen her with a face that was even redder than mine just a minute ago. Through gritted teeth she growled, "This is not the proper place."

But felt wasn't listening, "To be a romantic, to feel the sympathy for another, has no proper place."

A flash of blinding light suddenly lit the room. Yelp and gasps came from all around before a new voice joined in, "As appointed Wizard and head of all magical affairs within the palace, I believe I have a say in this."

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