5. Terrible Disguises

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It was obviously the queen. Her face had been imprinted on every coin minted within the kingdom. Of all the complaints one could accuse her of, being unknown was invalid. Why was she here? I didn't dare let on and continued wiping the counter as if the wind had opened the door.

Another followed quickly, a tall man all red and flustered. He wore a much more muted cape, though the hood was down, to reveal a young face and red hair.

"Mistress Z!" He shot me a look that had equal horror, shock, and fear. "I beg you to slowdown," he said whispering to make his high tiny voice even higher and tinier.

"Slow is not in a trader's vocabulary Mister K, not when I have walked into what seems to be the most talented of tailoring." She held her head high, hands to her hips, looking at the display with the most critical eye. Though the excitement in her eyes betrayed her just how much she was enjoying herself.

A trader? Why was she here? Why the disguise? Perhaps it would be wise to play along and so I gave a great bow. "I am not worthy of such praise from the Trader Guild's most promising recruit. My talent is only as great as I am humble, and these hands are here to serve." My head still hung low I took the bowl of cakes and placed them on a pedestal in center. There was already a sign there from previous snacks, TAKE ONE.

The Queen happily obliged and strutted forward to pinch one in her hand.

"Is that so? I am unimpressed, as you see I already have a devoted servant." Her partner went to her side to also take a cake ball and inspect thoroughly as if it were a gemstone. Then he watched in undisguised horror as she popped the whole thing in her mouth.

"Then allow me to impress you with my craft," I answered straightening up. "Within these walls all patrons are royalty, and I shall dress you as a newly crowned princess."

Mister K's gasp was quickly silenced by the Queen with a single raise of her finger. She took a while chewing through her snack before swallowing, a thoughtful distant look on her face. "Royalty. A princess. I'd like that."

"Then may I suggest... a fitting fit for such prestige?"

"Of course, call out your staff. I do warn you I am not so easily impressed."

"Tardy I presume. Captivated by the festivities no doubt. My heart is too kind to scold them. I ask that this lowly craftsman be humored for until they arrive."

"Never!" The man said with barely disguised incredulity. "As the mistress' valet-"

"No need Keen. You'll damage the merchandise," Her smile was all the assurance I needed.

"The greatest of honors, the most delicate of tasks," I bowed again, this time with a curtesy that was devoid of sarcasm as I held out a hand. "The lightest of hearts."

The queen giggled, raising the fan to her face again as she put her hand in mine. Her eyes beamed brightly from the grin she had as her eyes peered deviously at a Mr. K who was white as snow and frozen in place.

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