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I was wearing real clothes, for once.

"Damn, I like it." Tom smirks, I laugh and shake my head. "Don't get too excited." I point at him in a threatening way.

"Sorry, I can't believe Dr. Hills said I couldn't come with you though. Something about Doctor-Patient confidentiality, whatever that is." Tom sighs.

"I'll tell you everything that happens." I put my zip up on, our doctor was all the way at the opposite wing of the hospital. Which is why I got to dress up.

"I'll be just a call away okay?" Tom takes his phone out, I walk over to him, giving him a hug. "Thank you." I say hugging him tightly.

"What for?" Tom asks, hugging me back.

"Just grateful i'm going through this with you and not alone." I kiss both his cheeks, Tom pulls me in for an actual kiss, holding my waist tightly.

I interlock my hands behind his neck, he slips his tongue into my mouth, making it a wetter kiss. I felt his tongue make contact with mine, it was warm.

After a couple of seconds he pulls away, giving me a finishing kiss. His thumbs move up to my lips, swiping the corners of them for excess saliva.

"I love you be safe, and if you get scared just call me." Tom runs his fingers through my hair. "Okay I will, promise." I smile beginning to walk out the room.


"I've gotten the results from your scans." Dr. Hills bites her bottom lip, worriedly. "Just tell me the truth." I sigh, having already gave up.

"You have a month left, your tumor has spread... well basically everywhere." She blinks, spitting the words out. I look down, my hair falling over my face.

"Tom has more time right?" I double check. Dr. Hills knew I didn't like sugar coating.

"Significantly more time, more then triple." She responds. "Good that's good, I want him to have time to grieve me before he goes." I wipe my nose.

"There's options, you could do chemo, but it may do the reverse of help and make you die quicker." She suggests. "No, I want to be strong till I go." I grip on the bedsheets underneath me.

I was angry at life, but I was also ready. I've been ready for the last three years.

"Make sure Tom comes in for a follow up yeah?" She sniffles a little, I jump off the bed. "I will, thank you." I smile graciously, preparing to leave.


I take my purse off my shoulder, walking back into Tom and I's room. His eyes immediately bolt to mine, his entire demeanor changing.

I bite down a few tears, taking my shoes off.

"What did she say?" Tom asks, I smile gently at him. The tears wouldn't dare to fall, not right now at least.

"I'm doing good, same as you." I laugh, rubbing his shoulder. "The tumor didn't spread? Both lungs are doing okay?" He puts his thumbs up.

"Yeah... yeah, i'm good. We have time Tom." A tear had escaped, I looked down. Feeling it hit my pants.

"Then why are you crying." He scooted in closer, wiping my tear. I shook my head, sucking my lips in. "They're happy tears." I laughed a little.

"Everything's all good?" He smiled, he was happy, and I was a liar. "Perfectly fine." I pulled him into a hug. "I'm glad you're okay, I was so worried." He sniffles.

"Me too." I sigh.

"You should probably call nurse Linda in to set your IV back up." Tom points to the IV, I hop off the bed going to the cabinet. Grabbing another gown.

Tom looks down, making sure to not glance at me. "Don't it's fine." I shake my head, taking my shirt off. His eyes widen a little, he had never really...

Seen me, if that makes sense.

But I knew I was comfortable, especially with Tom. I was just waiting for the right time, we both were, and I mean hey, what have I got to lose now?

Not a couple months, that's for sure.

I unbutton my jeans, sliding them off. Tom continued to watch me, for every step I took and every move I made. "I'm sorry I don't mean to stare." Red began to flush his cheeks, I giggled a little.

I made him nervous, I liked that a lot. "Tomm." I tease getting on his lap, I felt him shift from underneath me. Oh dear goodness.

"Oh that's fun." I whisper in his ear, feeling him underneath me.

"What you nervous?" I drag out my voice, teasing him even more. "No."Tom gulped, I began to lightly suck on his neck, he exhaled deeply.

His heart rate started to go up drastically. "That's no fun." I sighed, getting off of him.

"You're being different, more ballsy. What's wrong?" Tom notices, I shrug. "I don't know, I guess i've just really realized that we haven't lived."

"Did something happen with Dr. Hills?" He tilts his head a little. "No, I just..." I put my hand on his, tapping my finger against his knuckles.

"Do you wanna have sex with me Tom?" I asked, biting my lower lip.

"Yes, but I also believe we can't do that in the middle of a random day." Tom laughs. "Why don't we wait for our birthday then?" I giggle, crossing my legs.

"After cake?" Tom smiles, I nod and smile back.

"Okay, but first go get your IV so you don't get dehydrated." Tom points to the door, I trill my lips. Turning around, my back facing him.

"Unclip it please." I tug on my bra straps, his hands were cold. Bringing a shudder to my body. Tom unclip the bra with ease. I cup it over my boobs, not letting it fall. I hold it up with one hand.

With the other, I grab the hospital gown, slipping it over my body. Then letting go of the bra. I put on some socks before getting comfy in bed.

I put my hand on my chest, taking deep breaths as I felt my heart rate accelerate, id get worn out so quickly.

"Are you okay?" Tom asks, placing his hand on my chest. "Im okay." I responded, nurse Linda came into the room. "Everything okay?" She asks.

"Can you get my IV, and some stickers for my chest. I want to monitor my heart rate, it's been a little high." I say, kindly. "Of course." Linda half smiled.

Tom places his hand on my knee, taking a deep breath. "You're gonna be fine." He places a kiss on my forehead, nurse Linda had left to go get the IV and stickers, I felt his words ring in my mind.

'You're gonna be fine.'

Oh how I wish I was.

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